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10 Tips for Stress-Free Studying

Studying is a stressful process that requires a constant devotion of your time and energy and it is inevitable. There are several factors that make studying stressful, such as, excessive worry about upcoming exams, binge-studying, trying to memorize, poor nutrition, insufficient sleep or exercise, competition from peers, etc. Excessive stress can induce sleep deprivation, negative thoughts, anxiety, and can interfere in your studying process. Therefore it is essential to understand how to deal with such stressful situations.

Below are ten tips to help you reduce your stress levels and ensure efficiency while studying:

  1. Know what to expect: The exam syllabus can be vast and studying is a stressful activity requiring you to devote much of your time and energy. Therefore knowing what to expect in the exam will help you focus on topics that are most likely to appear in the exam. It’s a good idea to consult your mentor/lecturer to know what to expect from the exam.
  2. Manage your time: One of the most important requisites while studying for an exam is proper time management. Preparing a time table/study plan will help you break your syllabus down into chunks and avoid cramming. Make sure you follow your time table religiously to avoid last-minute panic.
  3. De-clutter your study space: One of the determinants for stress-free studying is the environment you’re studying in. Your study space needs to be comfortable and relaxing. Make sure your study space is well-lit and de-cluttered. Having an alternate study place can give you a fresh look at your study material and stay focused.
  4. Make notes: Noting down important keywords and key ideas can help you revise effectively. Start studying early and leave time to revise. Avoid mugging up!
  5. Reward yourself: Rewarding yourself after your study time will help you keep yourself motivated to continue studying and give you a sense of achievement.
  1. Take a break: Take frequent short breaks while studying. Go outside, get some fresh air, meditate or go for a walk. According to psychology, the human brain can focus on one task effectively for a maximum of 45 minutes. Taking breaks can optimize your productivity.
  2. Eat well: Having a well-balanced nutrition is very important. It will help you concentrate better, avoid negative or irrational thoughts which can interfere with studying. Maintain a healthy well-balanced diet to avoid stress and focus better. Avoid overeating.
  3. Stay hydrated: Keep a sipper close to your study place and sip water regularly! An intake of at least 8 ounces of water per day is essential to keep you from feeling tired and sluggish. Beverages like coffee, tea, chamomile, peppermint and passionflower help in relieving stress and fatigue. Limit yourself to one or two cups per day.
  4. Get some exercise: Exercise is good for your physical and mental well-being and it non-negotiable. Aerobic exercise can help relieve stress and keep your anxiety at bay. Go running or hit the gym and be consistent with exercise.
  5. Get adequate rest: Lastly, get enough sleep to avoid fatigue and anxiety. Maintain a fixed sleeping schedule and get quality sleep.

Follow these to ensure stress-free studying. Good luck and happy studying.

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