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Bank Exam preparation 2019 – 10 Tips to Improve Memory Power

Every year, lakhs of aspirants prepare and appear for various bank and government exams. During their preparation, every aspirant encounters 2 main problems – 1) Unable to find Good Quality Content and 2) How to remember it till Exam day.  Candidates often fail to remember a point, a fact or a trick in the exam hall. They think “I had read this before but can’t remember it now.” To avoid this situation happening in the future we going to give you the tips to improve your Memory power for Bank Exam Preparation 2019.

Bank Exam preparation 2019 – How to Improve Memory Power?

Based on various studies and experiments done by experts in this field, following are the 10 Tips to improve your Memory power for Bank Exam preparation.

1) Meditation

Majority of Experts have stated that doing 15-20 mins of meditation everyday is important. It will go a long way in improving your memory and concentration. It will help you gain control over your thoughts and give you mental peace and stability.

2) Perform Cognitive process based activities –

Polishing your Quick-thinking ability is important for sharpening Intelligence. For this you need to develop higher decision-making skills.  To develop these, you should perform activities like playing Chess, learning a new language, Driving, listening to music and focusing on every musical note. Etc. All these are cognitive processes which help your intelligence and memory power.

3) Stay Healthy

Having a healthy body is the key to having a healthy brain. Regular physical exercise helps improve your mental alertness. One reason for this is increased Neurotrophic Factors (BDNF) due to exercise. In simpler terms, there is an increased amount of protein formation which directly impacts the individual’s brain capacity, memory and analytical ability. This process does not only help old neurons  improve but also helps develop new ones. An activity to help stimulate this process is to visit an unknown place without the assistance of google maps.

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4) Improve listening skills

To perform any activity your brain sends signals through neurons to the body part performing the activity. Same is the process for Listening.  Hence you can improve your listening skills i.e. better communication between your brain and ears by performing following simple activities.

5) Reduce Sugar Intake

Higher level of sugar (sucrose) intake is bad for your mental health. It tampers with your insulin levels. Which in turn leads to mental stress. Hence, it is important to have a balanced diet. Having high protein and low sugar food like meat, fish, green vegetables, dry fruits, etc. would prove beneficial.

6) Learn New Skills

The process of learning a new skill leads to higher brain activity and development of new thoughts. If you keep doing one same thing every day, it affects your neurons and their response system negatively impacting your mental speed. Hence to keep your brain and neurons active, keep learning new skills. It’s like a cardio session for brain.

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7) Avoid using calculator

Try and perform basic mathematical calculations by yourself, i.e. in your brain. Not using the calculator would help you push your brain and subsequently improve. The more actions your brain performs, the better it is for your memory power.

8) Don’t waste your time with Mobile and TV.

Don’t waste your time by using mobile and laptops for unproductive activities like social media, games, movies etc. Use that time to think and stimulate your brain. It is good to use technology, but for productive reasons like learning.

9) Sleep well

Nowadays people do not sleep well. One reason for it is the above-mentioned point – use of mobile phones. They waste their sleeping hours in using the smartphones resulting in sleep deprivation. 6 to 8 Hours of sleep every-day is very important. It will help your brain to rest and recharge. Having a good sleep keeps your brain fresh. Which in turn, helps your memory power.

10) Improve Reading Habit

Reading helps reduce stress. Your brain cells are damaged because of higher stress levels. Hence to keep your brain healthy you should read more. Researchers have observed that imagination is a good exercise for your brain and Reading helps you improve it.

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That is all from us in this blog – Bank Exam preparation 2019 – 10 Tips to Improve Memory Power. We hope you liked reading the blog and found the information provided above a valuable addition to your knowledge. Start with the above activities and use your improved memory power for solving Bank Exam Mock Tests. It will give you the edge in your Bank Exam Preparation 2019 to achieve success. All the best.