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Bihar Police SI Answer Key- Important Points, Objection

Every year Bihar Police Job Vacancy is released by the Bihar Police Department.  It is a government state-level exam where interested candidates have to complete an online registration procedure. The authority responsible to conduct this exam is the CENTRAL SELECTION BOARD OF CONSTABLE. The candidate must be of Indian origin. The candidates can use the Bihar Police SI Answer Key to estimate their scores. Therefore this answer key can help them to be prepared for the results.

Bihar Police SI Answer Key

The answer key is a highly valuable tool for predicting the outcome. Candidates who took this exam are eager to learn their answers. The easiest approach to verify our performance is to utilize an answer key. With the aid of an answer key, a candidate may analyze their own position. Those candidates who have taken the written test and are looking for the Answer Key are encouraged to stay in contact with the BSSC official website and check it on a regular basis.

Important Points to be kept in mind about Bihar Police SI Answer Key 

  1. The Bihar Police SI Answer Key is released on the official website of the Bihar Police.
  2. The answer key is released only for the written exam and not for the Physical Standard and Physical Efficiency Test and the interview.
  3. There are four sets of answer keys that are available to you. You can search for your set and download it.
  4. Prelims and main exams both have separate sets of answers key.
  5. Bihar Police SI Answer Key contains the correct answers which help a candidate to calculate their score properly.

Bihar Police SI Answer Key Download

For downloading the Bihar Police SI Answer Key, the candidate should follow the steps given below:-

  1. Open the official website of the Bihar Police.
  2. A notification section will be available on the right side of the portal. This section will have the link to the answer key.
  3. Four sets of Answer Key will be available to you.
  4. You can open the set which you require and download it.
  5. On Opening the Bihar Police SI Answer key will be opened in PDF Format. It can be downloaded and kept for any future references.  

Raising an objection to the Bihar Police SI Answer Key

If any candidate has any objection against the answer key provided they can raise their objection in the objection form provided along with the Answer Key. There is a time period for sending the objections. Generally, this time period is 7 days. But it will be mentioned in the answer key. The objections can be sent on the website. Candidates can visit the official website for further details regarding the same.

Candidates who took this exam are eager to learn their answers. They are interested to know about the Bihar Police SI Answer Key as well as the cut-off to know the passing marks required. This blog will help them in verifying their performance and checking whether they would be able to meet the passing cut-off.

I hope you found this article regarding Bihar Police SI Answer Key  2021 useful and informative. Hopefully, it would provide you with the required amount of information regarding how to calculate your marks and verify your performance by matching them with the answer key and raising an objection if any question or answer is wrong. For any queries, you can contact us at Oliveboard.


Where can we find the Bihar Police SI Answer Key?

The Bihar Police SI Answer Key is released on the official website of the Bihar Police i.e.

What are the steps involved in downloading the Bihar Police SI Answer Key?

You can click the link of the answer key on the official website in the notification panel on the right side. The Answer Key will be opened in a PDF Format from there you can download it.

Can the Bihar Police SI Answer Key be checked offline?

No, the answer key cannot be checked offline. It is available online on the official website of the Bihar Police.

What are the basic requirements to check the Answer Key from the official website?

The candidates will have to put in their registration number and password to check the Answer Key from the official website.

Is it possible to raise an objection against the Bihar Police SI Answer Key?

Yes, an objection against the Answer Key can be raised through the objection form on the official website. However, there is a limited time period for the same.

What is the time period for raising an objection if any in the Bihar Police SI Answer Key?

The time period for raising an objection if any is generally 7 days. However, the exact time period is mentioned along with the answer key.

Are any fees or charges applicable for filing up the objection form?

The information regarding the fees for filing the objection form is released alongside the Answer Key.