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Commonly Misspelt Words for SSC CGL & SSC CHSL

Commonly Misspelt Words: There are certain words in English that are similar to each other but convey a different meaning altogether. In competitive exams, such words are often asked in case of questions on spelling errors. Therefore, it is a good idea to have an idea about the commonly misspelt words so that candidates can score marks easily from such questions.

In this blog, we are going to cover some commonly misspelt words in the English language. It is very useful for SSC CGL and CHSL exams.


Commonly Misspelt Words – Examples


1. Of the given four words, only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.

A. Thoruoghly

B. Thoroughly

C. Thoroghouly

D. Thorougholy

Answer: B

Thoroughly means in-depth, in details.

2. Of the given four words, only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.

A. Phenomenan

B. Phenominon

C. Phenomenon

D. Phenamenon

Answer: C

Phenomenon means an observable fact, occurrence etc.

3. Of the given four words, only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.

A. Corespondent

B. Correspendent

C. Correspondant

D. Correspondent

Answer: D

Correspondent means reporter for a newspaper or a person who reports for a newspaper.

4. Of the given four words, only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.

A. Alleviate

B. Alliveate

C. Allaevate

D. Allaviate

Answer: A

Alleviate means to reduce the severity of something or making something less severe.

5. Of the given four words, only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.

A. anticeptique

B. antiseptic

C. anticeptic

D. anteceptic

Answer: B

Antiseptic means any ointment or solution that prevents infections

6. Of the given four words, only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.

A. tranquilty

B. tranquility

C. trankquility

D. trankwility

Answer: B

Tranquility means the state of calmness

7. Of the given four words, only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.

A. Benefeciary

B. Beneficeary

C. Benificiary

D. Beneficiary

Answer: D

Beneficiary means a person who gains advantage or makes profit from something.

8. Of the given four words, only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word

A. Monotonas

B. Monotonus

C. Monotonous

D. Monnotonus

Answer: C

Monotonous means dull or repetitive.

9. Of the given four words, only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word

A. lesure

B. leisure

C. lezure

D. liesure

Answer: B

Leisure means free time, or that time when one is not working.

10. Of the given four words, only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word

A. Livelyhud

B. Livelyhood

C. Livlihood

D. Livelihood

Answer: D

Livelihood means earning or means of securing the basic necessities of life


Spelling correction is one of the common questions asked in SSC CGL and CHSL exams. We hope that candidates will find this blog helpful for their preparation. For more updates, stay connected to Oliveboard.