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The Life And Legacy Of Shivaji Maharaj: The Father of Indian Navy | Read More

Indian Navy is one of the strongest Navies in the world right now. But do you know why Shivaji Maharaj is considered as father of Indian Navy?. Read this blog to know more about Shivaji Maharaj – The Father of Indian Navy. If you are preparing for KAS, PSI, KPTCL, KPWD, Karnataka Police Constable, Oliveoard has mock tests for each exam. You can visit Karnataka Exam section on our website for more details.


Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is counted among the most advanced and prudent rulers of India. He was born on 19 February 1630 in the prestigious Shivneri Fort. There will be many people who are probably not aware that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is also called as ‘Father of Indian Navy‘. Find out why Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj is regarded as the father of the Indian Navy

Establishment of Navy in Maratha Rule During Shivaji Maharaj‘s era, Maratha rule had done the work of establishing Navy Force in 1674. Shivaji Maharaj is credited with strengthening this cornerstone. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj established a strong navy to protect the sea in Konkan and Goa. Shivaji Maharaj, the father of the Indian Navy wanted to save this part from Arabs, Portuguese, British and pirates. For this, he had prepared ships for fighting in Bhiwandi, Kalyan and Panvel.

Planning of Shivaji’s Indian Navy

Shivaji Maharaj realized the importance of protecting the Konkan coastline from British, Portuguese, and Dutch invasion and sea trade. He started building the Indian navy by acquiring twenty galivants from the Portuguese.

The Indian Navy regards Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj as the ‘Father of Indian Navy’ for he was responsible for laying the stone for naval forces in the country.

He hired a Portuguese sailor, Louis Reitao Viegas, to make him the commander of the fleet. The Portuguese were good at naval operations, so they were involved in the development of the fleet. He also included people living near the sea in his operations because he knew better about the trade and situation of the sea. Although there are discrepancies in the records, it is estimated that his fleet gradually increased to 700. 

 Shivaji has begun building ships in various cities such as Goa, Kalyan and Bhiwandi. He also built and acquired various ports along the Konkan coast. With the help of Kanaj Angri, Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was able to lay the foundation for the Indian Navy. He was able to establish the presence of a powerful navy and protect against sea aggression. The first fort built in Sindhudurg became the headquarters of the Navy.


The father of the Indian Navy, Shivaji Maharaj had ships around 400-500. These ships were built in 1657-58. Shivaji Maharaj hired trained men to do this and built 20 fighter ships. Shivaji Maharaj fought many battles against the Siddis on the Janjira Coast Line. Krishnaji Anant Sabhasad, who was in Shivaji Maharaj‘s administration, wrote that Shivaji Maharaj had two squadrons in his fleet. There were 200 ships in each squadron and all were of different classes. According to Malhara Rao Chitnis, who was Shivaji Maharaj‘s secretary, this number was 400 to 500.

During Shivaji’s rule, the Marathas used the following strategy: The Navy preferred to fight in coastal waters rather than the high seas. The Navy was used to capture enemy ships in hand-to-hand combat after boarding them. Streams and forts were used for the retreat. The ships were scattered in small squadrons and were not grouped together. Attacks were preferred from the leeward side or the rear side. Fortresses were primarily used during naval (coastal) combat to protect people and military assets from enemy attacks.

The Tactics

The father of Indian Navy Shivaji Maharaj also had 85 frigates, English, Dutch, Portuguese and Dutch also mentioned Maratha ships but their number was not told. It is said that there were 160 to 700 merchants in Shivaji Maharaj‘s fleet. In February 1665, Shivaji Maharaj himself added his army at Basrur. According to English factory records, there were 85 frigates in Shivaji Maharaj’s army and three large ships. In November 1670, a fleet was assembled at Nandgaon in Colaba district with 160 ships. Daria Sarang was the Admiral of this Fleet.

Therefore Shivaji Maharaj’s Father of Indian Navy Shivaji Maharaj‘s navy also had many Muslim soldiers. Ibrahim and Daulat Khan were the most special among them. Both were of African origin and Shivaji Maharaj gave big roles to both of them. Siddi Ibrahim was the head of the artillery. Today’s Modern Indian Navy is considered to be part of the same navy which was established by the Marathas and then expanded by Shivaji Maharaj. That is why Shivaji Maharaj is called the ‘Father of the Indian Navy’. The royal history of administrative abilities is recorded in the name of Shivaji Maharaj. He is remembered till date for such strategies which played a strong role in weakening the foundation of the Mughal Empire.

Maritime History of Indian Navy

Though Shivaji Maharaj is considered as father of the Indian Navy, the Indian Maritime journey has a long way, it goes back to the Indus Valley Civilization when the first maritime activity was started in India. Where people of this civilization had maritime connections with Mesapatomia Civilization. Then many dynasties and other rulers also followed to have maritime trade connections. Aryans, Nandas, Mauryas even Ashoka, Gupta and many other southern dynasties used maritime trade connections, none of them were as good as shivaji maharaj as among all these strong kings it is shivaji who is considered as the father of Indian Navy. After all these dynasties, Dutch, French, Portuguese, British came into India to rule. To defend the country from these looters Shivaji Maharaj used his navy so brilliantly that people still take his tactics as guidelines. India suffered a lot under many invasions and wars but it survived every time having someone as Shivaji at its back. Shivaji Maharaj is an inspiration to everyone for many reasons. He is a great inspiration for the defense system a country can ever have. 

The Indian Navy is one of the strongest navies in the world because Shivaji Maharaj is the father of it. It was Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj who paved the way for the best defense India could possibly have. 


Today’s Modern Indian Navy is considered to be part of the same navy which was established by the Marathas. The Indian Maritime journey has a long way to go back to the Indus Valley Civilization. Shivaji Maharaj is considered as the father of the Indian Navy. He paved the way for the best defense India could ever have from wars to invasions. 

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj established a strong navy to protect the sea in Konkan and Goa. He hired a Portuguese sailor, Louis Reitao Viegas, to make him the commander of the fleet. The first fort built in Sindhudurg became the headquarters of the Navy. The father of the Indian Navy Shivaji Maharaj had ships around 400-500. He also had 85 frigates, English, Dutch, Portuguese and Dutch also mentioned Maratha ships.