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How To Prepare For Snap DI-LR Section In 30 Days

SNAP is a competitive exam for MBA aspirants. You should be prepared thoroughly for cracking this exam and for acing great heights. Candidates appearing for SNAP can prepare for this exam and also appear for other exams like CAT, IIFT, CMAT, and many more as the syllabus is quite similar. Grouping similar topics can be great in your SNAP DI-LR Preparation Plan. As the exam dates are near, make a change in your last 30 days SNAP DI-LR Plan and let your SNAP DI-LR Study Plan be entirely exam-centric. So make sure to complete your syllabus by November so that the last month is dedicated to a quick recap and practicing past papers related to the exam. Let us check out a few important tips and keys for preparing SNAP DI-LR in just 30 days.

12 Simple Tips For Your Snap DI-LR Study Plan

Download a consolidated 30-Day SNAP Cracker PDF here.

1. Keep The Snap Marking Scheme In Mind

The new SNAP marking scheme and exam pattern has changed. It has a negative marking scheme of 25 percent for each question answered wrongly. So make sure to attempt those questions that you know thoroughly and avoid questions in which you are not confident. This will help you in getting the score you deserve and save you from a negative marking scheme.

2. Practice Mock Test

Solve a mock test and see where you stand. This will help you to understand your strength and weaknesses and you can plan accordingly. After analyzing and improving the weaker corners, you’ll perform better at the upcoming mock tests. Make a list of your mistakes made during the test and this will aid you in the main exam as last-day revision material.

3. Prepare Notes For Last Day Revision

While preparing in the last 30 days, make sure to compile your study material and make a list of all the notes that you’ll be referring to in the last days of your exam. This will avoid confusion and help you cover all the important concepts for the exam. Your mind will be clear that you’ll easily cover all the concepts and the material will be handy for you. Also, certain summarized data like formulas and concepts can be kept handy to refer to daily for improving memory.

4. Analyze Your Strength

Each revision and each mock exam will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Smartly understand each of your mistakes and work more to overcome your weakness. Try to convert your weak areas into strength and leave minimum to zero scopes for any weaker topics. 

5. Have An Exam Centric Approach

Make sure you have an exam-centric approach by analyzing the topics with more weightage and types of questions asked. Be more focused on topics with more marks and that require fewer efforts. If any longer question is for lower marks, attempt it in the last after a majority of the questions you are sure to have been answered. Attempt more in less time is the key to finishing maximum questions. 

6. Learn Time Management

You have to manage time in two areas- in preparation and exam. While preparing, divide your days and hours such that you can study maximum and in an efficient manner. During exams focus on those questions that require less time to answer and can fetch you more marks. Then move to questions that you know to answer but require some more time. The key is to attempt questions you know in less time and then on those that require more time. Then move to questions that require solving and analyzing. It is advisable to leave questions that you don’t know to avoid negative marking.

7. Everyday Revision

Start revising the syllabus 15 days before the exam. Spend few hours each day revising Mathematical formulas, theorems. You can also have an overview of the tricks and shortcuts for solving DI-LR questions and grammatical concepts. This will make you confident in your preparation.

8. Practice Mental Calculations

Mental calculations will help you save time in the exam in unnecessary rough work. Since your exam is based on multiple-choice questions, you can also adopt the elimination method to solve answers. This way you can improve your score smartly.

9. Improve Reading Speed

Solving sample questions will help in improving reading speed. You can also learn the art of selective reading and gain the answers from reading questions itself. It will improve brain functionality.

10. Improve Mental Stamina

Since the SNAP exam is going to be online, develop the habit of reading via the screen. Your mind will work on three different skills- analytical, logical and observational. Practice meditation for some time each day to improve focus. It will build stamina for your crucial 60 minutes exam.

11. Choose Questions Wisely

The overall difficulty level of SNAP is moderate. Quantitative Aptitude, DI-DS is moderate to tough while English to A-LR is usually manageable. Since the difficulty of exams is expected to be high, choose your questions wisely. Attempt only those questions which you can solve with the greatest accuracy.

12. Avoid Procrastination

Your energy will drain while preparing for the exam. But develop methods to improve your strength like taking naps, changing places while studying, walking or standing sometimes while studying. Make sure to complete your target the day you’ve set to complete it by all means. Consistency is the key. It will also avoid piling up of portion during the last days, thus avoiding stress. 


The above 12 tips will help you in improving your Data Interpretation and Logical reasoning skills. Perfect practice is the key to success, so make sure to give your all efforts in cracking this exam. You can also have a word with those who have cleared this exam to get a realistic idea. It will help in better planning and decision-making while studying. 

Frequently asked questions

What are the sections for SNAP?

There are three sections- 
General English
Quantitative, Data Interpretation and data sufficiency and 
Analytical and logical reasoning.

Is there any negative marking scheme?

Yes, for every wrong question 0.25 mark gets deducted.

Will SNAP be an offline exam or an online exam?

SNAP will be an online computer-based exam.

Is SNAP an objective or subjective exam?

SNAP will be an objective exam. Candidates have to choose one answer from four options.

What is the duration of SNAP?

SNAP will be of 60 minutes for all the sections in total.