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Last Minute Tips For BOI Credit Officer Exam 2022 | Oliveboard

The BOI Credit Officers Exam will be held shortly. It will be a challenging moment for even the most dedicated aspirants, since it will be the test for a position in the country’s central bank. It is also true that stressing and worrying about the test will do more harm than good, therefore students must have a positive attitude. Last Minute tips for BOI Credit Officer – Read below.

You must make the best use of your knowledge and you must not be as cheery as being stress-free, since this will negatively effect your performance. A little stress is good for you and important for the test, so here are some revision advice for students who took the BOI Credit Officers Exam. You can also download 500+ ebooks for free. Register here!

Last Minute tips for BOI Credit Officer

Here are a few last minute tips to crack BOI Credit Officer exam.


It’s past time to polish all of those challenging subjects. Sort and organise crucial subjects into a checklist so you may fine-tune each one before the exam. It may seem meaningless just before the test, but it will assist you in concentrating on your studies and you will not be like, “Hey, look at how well I did in this topic. I could have done it better if I had spent more time refining it.” Revision is critical since the two most crucial portions are general awareness and financial management.

Nutrition & Balanced Diet

Do you realise that what you eat and drink might have an impact on your exam results? Yes, what you eat before the exam has an impact on your grade. pre-examination Healthy eating provides us with extra energy during the exam. To perform properly, your brain requires energy from food, therefore don’t miss meals before the exam. Avoid items that cause brain blockage, such as white flour-based meals like cookies, cakes, and muffins, which take time and energy to digest. Also, meals high in refined sugar, such as chocolate, sweets, and candies, should be avoided. Remember to drink plenty of water both before and during your exam. The tea is similarly effective, but without as much sugar. Dehydration can result in fatigue & dizzy. Make sure to take your fluids regularly.

Physical & Mental Exercise

Exercising keeps you young. More oxygen will reach the brain, allowing you to perform more effectively. It restores brain function, boosts blood flow to the brain, and prepares you for critical thinking and memory retention. Don’t workout for more than 15 minutes; you don’t need to squander so much time.

Release Your Stress

More tension will prevent you from comprehending the questions posed in each of the four subjects. So keep calm and attentive during the exam and avoid anything that can upset you. It is critical for students to have a good attitude.

Good Night’s Sleep

Take a sleep before the exam to help with memory recall and concentration. Do not stay up all night the night before the exam. If you don’t get enough sleep, you could forget all you’ve learned. You should strive to obtain at least 8 hours of sleep before the exam to make the most of your knowledge.

Now, print your admission card and picture ID evidence ahead of time, as the last minute will not be in your favour. To minimise unneeded tension, arrive at the exam centre early. So you don’t have to waste any more time looking for your test centre, double-check the location of your exam centre and any other crucial details. Hope you got Last Minute tips for BOI Credit Officer.