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Marital Rape Laws in India: Important Laws for CLAT

Is a woman’s or a man’s sexual liberty diminished after marriage? The Right to say “no” (to sex) after marriage was rejected by Hon’ble Justice DY Chandarchud. Although it is commonly assumed that either spouse must guarantee the permission of the other on sexual relations after marriage, marital rape was not even considered a problem in ancient India. The patriarchal structure of Indian culture, in which women were considered ‘property’ or ‘chattel’ of their husbands, was the fundamental basis for this thinking. This does appear to be traditional! However, courts in India are now hearing cases involving this subject, despite the fact that India is one of 36 nations where marital rape is not yet criminalised, compared to 150 other countries. Read further to know the more about marital rape laws in India. Important laws for CLAT – read below.

Provisions Relating to Marital Rapes in India – Important Laws for CLAT

The act of sexual intercourse with one’s spouse without the permission of the spouse is known as marital rape or spousal rape. It’s a sort of domestic violence and sexual assault. Historically, a husband’s sexual intercourse with his wife was viewed as a right of couples, with or without agreement, and Section 375 of the IPC includes an exemption that grants immunity to marital rape. Let’s see the provisions regarding marital rape laws in India.

Role of Judiciary regarding Marital Rape Laws in India – Important Laws for CLAT

Legislators have claimed that marital rape is already covered by the IPC, implying that a married woman who is subjected to non-consensual rape can file a complaint under Section 498A of the IPC (cruelty) or the Domestic Violence Act, but not under Section 375. However, the judiciary has taken a different stance. Let’s look at a few recent examples:

The Delhi High Court was considering a challenge to the constitutional validity of the’marital rape immunity’ afforded under exception 2 of section 375 of the IPC in RIT Foundation v. UOI and other associated cases (2022). The case brought to light important problems like as consent, the level of governmental control over female sexual autonomy, and the need to remove historical biases in the law.

Criminalisation of Marital Rape – A Debate

Arguments Favouring Criminalisation of Marital Rape

Arguments Against Criminalisation of Marital Rape Laws in India


A total of 111,549 complaints were reported under 498A in 2020, according to an article authored by a men’s rights activist (Deepika Narayan). Many husbands committed themselves after being charged under Section 498A, yet women are constantly being forced to have sex after marriage without consent, therefore marital rape cannot be considered a less serious offence than any other kind of sexual violence. As a result, determining whether or not marital rape would be criminalised in India will be challenging. Here was one of the important laws for CLAT.