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MP TET Cutoff- Factors, Procedure, Minimum Marks, Expected Cut Off

The MP TET Exam is a state-level exam conducted by the Board of Professional Education in Madhya Pradesh to select primary school teachers in various government schools. Those interested in becoming a Lower Primary Teacher, Upper Primary Teacher, or Secondary School Teacher must pass the MP TET. The cutoff for the MP TET exam is released on the official website of the MPPEB. There are two papers in the written exam of the selection process. The cutoff for the MP TET Exam is determined based on different factors such as the total number of candidates, total vacancies for the post, the difficulty level of the exam, and the highest level of marks. The Board will give the MP TET certificate to the candidates who pass the exam. This certificate is valid for two years after it is issued. Only those candidates who attain the minimum MP TET Cutoff marks will be eligible to apply for the primary and secondary schools in Madhya Pradesh.

Procedure To Check The MP TET Cutoff

The cutoff for the MP TET Exam is released on the official website of the MPPEB. The procedure for checking the Cutoff is given in the steps below-

Factors For Determining The MP TET Cutoff

The cutoff for the MP TET Exam is determined based on several factors. These factors are given below as follows-

  1. The total number of candidates – If the number of candidates is more, it will result in higher cut-off marks.
  2. Total Number of vacancies – If there are many vacancies available, then the cutoff will be less.
  3. The difficulty level of the exam- If the exam is difficult, then the cutoff will be lower and vice versa.
  4. Highest Score – It will also affect the cutoff for the MP TET Exam.

Minimum Marks For Qualifying

The qualifying criteria for various categories are as follows-

CategoryHigh school teacherMiddle school teacher

Expected Cut Off Marks For 2021

The formal announcement for the MP TET Cutoff 2021 has yet to be released by the MPPEB. Candidates who pass the MP TET with a score equal to or higher than the required cut-off will receive an MP TET certificate. According to previous year’s trends, the cutoff marks are as follows:

CategoryCut off

Calculation Of Marks For The MP TET Exam 2021

Candidates can compute their MP TET scores using the answer key and marking system provided on the MPPEB’s official website.  Candidates must follow the methods outlined below to calculate their scores:

Candidates will calculate their marks only when the answer key is published on the official website.


We hope the article has given you the relevant information about the MP TET Cutoff, including the procedure to check the cutoff and the factors on which the cutoff depends. For any queries, contact us at Oliveboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

From where can we get the MP TET Cutoff list 2021?

Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board releases the MP TET Exam cut-off list on its official website.

Is the cut off the same for each category?

No, the cut-off is different for different categories.

Can a candidate calculate marks for the MP TET Exam before the result?

Yes, Candidates can compute their MP TET scores using the answer key and marking system provided on the MPPEB’s official website.

What are the minimum qualifying marks for the MP TET exam 2021?

For the general category of candidates, the minimum marks that they must obtain are 60%, whereas, for the reserved category, it is 50%.

How can we calculate the MP TET Cutoff 2021?

We can calculate the MP TET exam cut-off by considering factors like the difficulty level of the exam, the total number of candidates who appeared, the total number of vacancies, and the previous year’s cut-off.