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PNB Credit Officer Study Plan 2022 | 45 Days PNB Credit Officer Study Plan

PNB Credit Officer Study Plan: Punjab National Bank is one of the most reputed banks in the country. They conduct recruitments for posts such as the Credit Officer post. A total of 145 vacancies have been released for the post of Credit Officer. An exam is conducted for the same to fill the vacancies. Those who are eligible can file the form online. For your assistance, today we bring to you the 45 Days PNB Credit Officer Study Plan 2022. This plan will help you prepare for the exam in a systematic and structured way, ensuring you don’t miss any important topics and score well in the exam. First, let’s glance through the PNB Credit Officer exam pattern and then proceed with the PNB Credit Officer Study Plan 2022.

PNB Credit Officer Exam Pattern

One of the most crucial aspects to consider when studying for any exam is the examination format. Reasoning, Quant, Professional Knowledge, and English Language with a focus on the Banking Industry are all part of the PNB Credit Officer examination pattern 2022.

PNB Credit Officer Online Exam Pattern 2022

The Online Test shall be as per the following pattern:

PartName of TestQuestionsMarksDuration
Part AReasoning404025 minutes
English Language404025 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude404025 minutes
Part BProfessional Knowledge5010045 minutes

PNB Credit Officer Interview 2022

  1. The candidates who will qualify for the written test for PNB Credit Officer will be eligible to appear for the PNB Credit Officer.
  2. The total marks allotted for the Interview are 25.
  3. The minimum qualifying marks in the interview will not be less than 45% i.e.11.25 for SC/ST candidates & 50% i.e. 12.5 for other candidates.
  4. The combined final score of candidates shall be arrived at on the basis of aggregate scores obtained by the candidates in the Online Main Examination and Interview.
  5. Interview scores of the candidates failing to secure minimum qualifying marks or otherwise barred from the interview or further process shall not be disclosed.
  6. A candidate should qualify both in the Online Main Examination and interview and be sufficiently high in the merit to be shortlisted for the subsequent provisional allotment process.

45 Days PNB Credit Officer Study Plan 2022

You can use this plan to study and revise for the PNB Credit Officer exam. After each topic, there is a practice test to ensure that one concept is clear before moving to the next. The PNB Credit Officer study plan 2022 is designed in such a way that you can easily cover each topic by allotting a sufficient amount of time every day. Ensure to follow the study plan and prepare the concepts in the first half so that the next half can be spent in rigorous practice.

Day1st slot2nd slot3rd slot
Day 1AnalogyAverageNoun pronoun
Day 2ClassificationNumbersAdjective & Adverb
Day 3Logical SequenceCompound interests, Adjective & AdverbTense
Day 4Missing seriesMock TestAdjective & Adverb
Day 5Coding-decodingPartnershipFill in the blanks
Day 6Dice & cubesProblem on agesAce Reading Comprehension
Day 7Water imageMock TestPara jumble
Day 8Mirror imageCalendarAdjective & Adverb
Day 9Figure matrix.Boats and streamsPara jumble
Day 10AccountsMock testCloze test
Day 11Financial managementClockAce Reading Comprehension
Day 12Cost managementMock TestFill in the blanks
Day 13Banking awareness.Height and distanceAlphabet Test
Day 14Figure matrix.Mock TestFill in the blanks
Day 15PercentagePercentageAce Reading Comprehension
Day 16Financial managementMock TestAce Reading Comprehension
Day 17Pipes and cisternsPipes and cisternsPara jumble
Day 18Banking awareness.Mock TestFill in the blanks
Day 19Profit and lossProfit and lossRevise Ace Reading Comprehension
Day 20Error CorrectionMock TestNoun Pronoun
Day 21Speed, time and distanceSpeed, time and distanceCloze test
Day 22Error CorrectionMock TestSentence Completion
Day 23Simple interestSimple interestMultiple Meaning
Day 24Coding-decoding,Mock TestRevise the covered topics
Day 25Problem on trainsProblem on trainsSentence Completion
Day 26Coding-decoding,Mock TestSentence Improvement
Day 27Time and workTime and workFill in the blanks
Day 28AnalogyAnalogyRevise Subject-verb agreement
Day 29Height and distanceHeight and distanceAdjective & Adverb
Day 30Logical SequenceLogical SequenceNoun Pronoun
Day 31Problem on agesMock TestAce Reading Comprehension
Day 32Logical SequenceLogical SequenceFill in the blanks
Day 33problem on agesproblem on agesMultiple Meaning
Day 34partnershippartnershipRevise Sentence Completion
Day 35 Logical SequenceAverageError Spotting
Day 36AverageMock TestRevise Subject-verb agreement
Day 37banking awarenessbanking awarenessAdjective & Adverb
Day 38cost managementcost managementAce Reading Comprehension
Day 39Financial managementFinancial managementFill in the blanks
Day 40AccountsAccountsCloze test
Day 41Figure matrix.Mock TestError Spotting
Day 42Time and workRevisionAdjective & Adverb
Day 43RevisionRevisionRevision
Day 44RevisionRevisionRevision
Day 45RevisionRevisionRevision

** You are not bound to strictly follow this study plan. We understand that everyone learns and understands at their own pace. You can anytime customize the plan as per your convenience or availability of time (in case you are a working professional), but try to include the topics daily and gradually try to speed up the process.

While taking mocks, it’s advisable to work on your attempt and question selection strategy. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses would be useful in devising these. Taking mocks, in the beginning, would help you gauge the level of your preparation and would help you strategize your further preparation accordingly. As you can notice, the PNB Credit Officer study plan recommends taking mocks intermittently throughout the course of your preparation and the frequency has increased with time. It is for the following reasons:

Analyzing Mocks – How to do it properly

In the study plan, mock tests are recommended almost every day, especially towards the end. Analysing mocks is as important as attempting them. Unless you analyze your performance, your preparation strategy won’t be fruitful. Here’s how to analyze mocks properly.

That’s all from us in this article. We hope you find the PNB Credit Officer Study Plan 2022 for the Prelims exam useful and apply the same in your preparation journey. You can now access Oliveboard’s Mock Tests and other study materials directly from your phone. Download Oliveboard Mobile App and prepare for your move.