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Risk Management | Short Notes for CAIIB

In recent years, organizations in all sectors of the economy have emphasized Risk Management as a key to achieving their goals while safeguarding the interests of their stakeholders. Good Risk Management enables an organization to

Stakeholders can have more faith in the organization’s corporate governance and ability to deliver with good Risk Management.

What Is Risk Management?

Risk Management is the process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to risk factors that arise during the course of a company’s operations. 

Effective Risk Management influences future outcomes by acting proactively instead of reactively. As a result, effective Risk Management has the potential to reduce both the likelihood of a risk occurrence and the impact of that risk.

It is a method for: 

What is a risk?

A risk is an unknown future event that could prevent or delay the achievement of an organization’s or unit’s objectives or goals. No one can estimate the likelihood of risk, as it is uncertain. Not all risks are grave. However, companies must take some level of risk to progress or avoid stagnation.

Why do we need Risk Management?

Risk Management is necessary because it:

Furthermore, it is sometimes necessary as a legal obligation depending on the industry or sector. Since the resources are limited, it necessitates a focused approach to Risk Management.

Risk Management: Structures

Risk Management structures not only help identify existing risks but support other risk mitigation systems. A good Risk Management structure takes into account the uncertainties and predicts their impact on a company. They put a choice between accepting and rejecting risk, which depends on the tolerance levels that businesses pre-establish for themselves.

By establishing Risk Management as a disciplined and continuous process for identifying and resolving potential risks, businesses can effectively help different risk mitigation systems. The Risk Management structure includes planning, association, cost control, and budgeting. And, with the proper management, the business is unlikely to encounter many surprises because the focus is on the risks in advance.

Risk Management: Process

RM is a cycle made up of the following steps: 

Categories of Risk

Risks can be classified in a variety of ways; the final categories chosen can depend on the circumstances of each organization or unit. The goal is to group risks into standard, meaningful, and actionable groups.

Financial Risks

Operational Risks

These risks arise from failed or inappropriate policies, systems, activities, or procedures, such as  

Reputational Risks

Governance and Compliance Risks

Strategic Risks


We hope that this article on Risk Management has provided you with sufficient information to be able to answer questions on this topic in the CAIIB exam. For the best preparation for the exam, we recommend candidates refer to previous years’ papers, reference books, and online mock series. We wish you all the best!


Why is Risk Management important?

Risk Management enables a company to consider all the risks that it is exposed to. Risk Management also looks at the relationship between risks and the potential cascading effect on a company’s strategic objectives.

What are the types of Risk Management?

There are various types of Risk Management, including
Strategic Risk Management
Operational Risk Management
Financial Risk Management
Management of reputation risk
Compliance Risk Management