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Success Story of Alind Shrivastava | Cleared IBPS PO & Clerk 2020

Read the success story of Alind Shrivastava, who has cracked 3 bank exams after three years of preparation. During these years, he missed out on several mains exams by a few marks but in the whole process he realized that Prelims need speed, mains need accuracy and Interview needs confidence.

Inspiring Success Story of Alind Shrivastava

My name is Alind Shrivastava and I have completed my engineering in 2017. I have been preparing for bank exams since 2018. I have cleared several bank exams preliminary level in 2018 and 2019. But in 2020, I was finally able to crack the mains stage as well as the interview part. I have been selected as:-

I have missed out on several mains exams by a few marks. I have been doing hard work but was not able to crack exams as there is seriously tough competition out there when it comes to bank exams. Lakhs of candidates apply and the vacancies are reducing year on year. As I am from an Engineering background I know I have a competitive advantage in the Data Interpretation part but at the same time, I know the journey was not going to be swift for me.

Subject-wise Strategy of Alind Shrivastava


Read English Newspapers religiously. (I PREFER THE HINDU) But you can go with any other newspaper also with good English vocabulary. 


Try to solve at least 10 puzzles daily. Solve individual reasoning mock tests on Oliveboard. 

Data Interpretation

Solve D.I BOOK BY OLIVEBOARD. It contains all the important questions and types which are required to get good marks in the mains exam. 

Current affairs and Banking Awareness

If I had to choose any one subject which can create a huge difference in marks among aspirants is current affairs. Try to read as many current affairs as possible. Don’t wait for the mains exam, start preparing for current affairs before the prelims stage. Try to solve 2 prelims mock tests and one mains mock test on every alternate day. This will increase your speed as well as accuracy.

Role of Oliveboard in Alind’s Success

Oliveboard is one platform that provides quality mock tests. It is better to attempt 1 Oliveboard mock test rather than giving 10 mock tests of other platforms. Now why I am saying this is because Oliveboard mock tests are the toughest of all. If you want to score well then these mock tests will give you confidence in the exam. When It comes to solving Oliveboard mock tests one must have a very high concentration level, which indirectly helps you to clear your bank exam.

I followed Aditya sir regularly for current affairs and also for the banking awareness section. 

Alind’s Tips for Aspirants

Sweat more in training, bleed less in battle. When it comes to bank exams you should always remember the motto of IBPS- SPEED, ACCURACY, AND CONFIDENCE. Trust my words, very few people know this. If I break it down:-

All the Best.

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