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Success Story of Ayush Singh – Cleared SBI PO, IBPS RRB PO, IBPS PO

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” Similarly, Ayush followed his ambition and kept working hard to achieve success in his life. Here is the inspiring success story of Ayush Singh:

I have been working for an IT company for the past two years. Meanwhile while working with the company I planned to start my preparation for Banking exams. Let me tell you, it was not an easy journey. In short, it has been a journey of ups and down with a great learning curve. I would love to share my success story with other aspirants so they can keep themselves motivated during their preparations.

Preparation Strategy:


My only mantra to clear this section was practice, practice and practice. I just gave as many mocks as I can and nothing else. Moreover, after every mock, I thoroughly analysed my weak areas and worked accordingly to improve. Make sure you are well versed with all the formulas, rules, tables etc before giving the mock tests.


For Reasoning, I would like to tell you guys that give a mock test daily rather than just preparing the chapters as giving mocks will help you to identify your skills and time management abilities. Rather than hard work opt for smart work and you will definitely see yourself succeeding in the upcoming exams.



As far as English is concerned always start by clearing your basic grammar concepts. For English also I was solely depended on mock tests which I gave on Oliveboard (Hands Down the finest and the toughest of them all). Meanwhile, read newspapers to work on your vocab and reading skills.


Read newspapers daily to keep yourself updated. Give daily quizzes and mock tests. This is the best way to prepare for the GA/GK section within a limited time period.


For me, Interview part was the easiest of them all. One should have basic to moderate knowledge of Banking Concepts and also about major national/international affairs. Be honest and confident throughout the interview process.

Role of Oliveboard:

Without any doubt, I would like to give Oliveboard mock tests a major credit in my success. The mock tests which I gave were of very good quality and helped me to get accustomed to the modern approaches and methods towards solving any problem. Lastly, I would highly recommend it to all the aspirants

That’s it, this was my not-so-magic mantra for clearing the exams and to be honest if you invest 4-5 hours daily in your preparation, you are good to go.

I wish all the very best to all the aspirants.”

Read more success stories.