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Success Story of Bhupender Singh Meena | Cleared SBI PO

Read the success story of Bhupender Singh Meena who cleared SBI PO examination with pure dedication and hard work. He says constantly attempting mock tests is the only way to reach success in such examinations. 


My name is Bhupender Singh Meena, I have recently cleared my SBI PO exam. 

Brief Background

Self-preparation. Mocks for preliminary, general awareness from Oliveboard YouTube videos and for interviews watched previous aspirants interview experience.

Preparation Strategy 

i. Mathematics, Reasoning, and English – numerous mocks from Oliveboard.

ii. For general awareness – Oliveboard YouTube videos.

Role of Oliveboard

During mains in the general awareness section, Oliveboard has helped me a lot with their Youtube videos and as well as the mock tests which they provided. Thank you Oliveboard! 

Tips or advice for the fellow aspirants

Suggestions to the aspirants from my side would be to give numerous mocks for the preliminary stage. Prepare general awareness in a proper and comprehensive manner for the mains stage as this section is getting tough year by year. Keep a track of your all India rank while giving main tests. And for the interview there would be only one suggestion that is to be genuine as they are not checking your knowledge, they mainly focus on your personality and your way of presentation. The only thing you can prepare for the interview is regarding your hobbies and interests.

Thank You!!