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Success Story of Gaurav Singh – Cleared IBPS RRB PO and RRB OFFICE ASSISTANT (2018)

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” Similarly, Gaurav never looked back and kept moving forward to achieve his dreams.

Here is inspiring Success Story of Gaurav Singh:

“I am Gaurav Singh and after completing my masters in Technology, I started studying for the several banking examinations. Let me tell you, it was not an easy journey. In short, it has been a journey of ups and down with a great learning curve. And we all know that there is no shortcut to success. I worked very hard and managed to clear the IBPS RRB PO Exam (UTTAR BIHAR GRAMIN BANK) and IBPS RRB Office Assistant (UTTAR BIHAR GRAMIN BANK ). I would love to share my success story with other aspirants so they can keep themselves motivated during their preparations.

Preparation Tips & Strategy:


First, clear the basic concepts and then proceed further. I did not have good speed in the quantitative section as I did not have much time to practice many questions and improve my speed. And you need speed and accuracy as well to clear Banking Examination. Oliveboard mock tests were extremely helpful for me to prepare for the exam within a limited time period. Moreover, after every mock test, I thoroughly analysed my weak areas and worked accordingly to improve. Make sure you are well versed with all the formulas, rules, tables etc before giving the mock tests.


The same strategy goes with the reasoning section. It is one of my favourite section but again reasoning section needs a lot of practice. Do hard work as well as smart work and you will definitely see yourself succeeding in the upcoming exams.



It was kind of my fear factor but I fought well to improve my English Section. For English always start by clearing your basic grammar concepts. I would like to advise all the aspirants to read some good newspapers daily and watch news channels which will help to improve the English section. You can also refer to Oliveboard New Pattern English tests which are specially designed to improve your English section.


Read newspapers daily to keep yourself updated. Give daily quizzes and mock tests. Try to cover the last 7-8 months data from various sources because we got some questions from last 8 months in RRB PO+Clerk examination. So keep making notes so you can revise at the last moment.


For me, Interview part was an interesting one among all. One should have basics to moderate knowledge of Banking Concepts, Academic Knowledge and also about major national/international affairs. Be confident and dress elegantly. Most important be honest during the interview process and you are good to go.

Role of Oliveboard:

My only mantra to clear the examination was practice, practice, and practice. With me sometimes attempting as many as 3-4 mock tests a day and Oliveboard undoubtedly provides one of the best in simulating the actual exams in terms of the toughness and pattern. Oliveboard mock tests’ difficulty level and experience were on par with the actual examination. The test series really lets you know about your weak areas, gives a detailed solution for every question and every other detail you might want to know about your performance. It was extremely helpful for me to prepare for the exam.

I wish all the very best to all the aspirants.”

Read more success stories.