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Success Story of Bindu Chandra Chanda, Cleared SSC CGL 2023

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Success Story of Bindu Chandra Chanda

Introduction: Meet Bindu Chandra Chanda, a determined individual from West Bengal, who successfully cracked the SSC CGL 2023 exam with flying colors as an Inspector of Posts, securing an impressive rank of 1254 in B20.

Preparation Details

Bindu embarked on his preparation journey in December 2022, spurred by his preliminary success because of his prior banking preparation. Despite a setback in the mains and typing phase, scoring 281, Bindu showcased resilience by resuming his efforts in March. This time, his unwavering dedication paid off, resulting in a remarkable score of 318.

Subject-wise Preparation

Oliveboard’s Impact

Bindu acknowledges Oliveboard as the cornerstone of her success, attributing his achievement to the platform’s high-quality mocks. With 72 full mocks and numerous topic tests under his belt, Oliveboard played a pivotal role, especially in refining his skills in reasoning, English, and GK.

Words of Wisdom

Bindu’s advice to aspirants is simple yet profound – believe in yourself and be honest with your efforts. His journey exemplifies the transformative power of determination and consistent hard work.


Bindu Chandra Chanda’s SSC CGL 2023 success story is an inspiration to aspirants facing challenges in their pursuit of excellence. His journey reflects the importance of resilience, strategic preparation, and the invaluable role of platforms like Oliveboard in achieving one’s goals. As Bindu extends his congratulations to future aspirants, he encourages them to believe in their abilities and maintain unwavering honesty in their preparation. Success awaits those who persevere!