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Success Story of Nishant Gupta- Cleared IBPS PO 2017

Success Story of Nishant Gupta – “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” Similarly, Nishant never believed in taking shortcuts to achieve his goals and cleared IBPS PO 2017.

Here is his inspiring story:

Hi, I am Nishant Gupta from Jammu & Kashmir. I did my from Punjab but in the 3rd year itself I decided not to make my career in this sector. So after completing my in 2015 I started preparing for competitive exams. Until 2016 I was not serious about it and thought it was all easy till the reality struck me hard when I couldn’t clear SSC Tier 1 in 2015..

Aside from SSC, I started giving bank exams as an alternative. For that I just polished my basics in all the subjects. It’s very important to get your basics crystal clear before you start practicing the mock tests. You can refer any one book of your choice and finish the complete syllabus from it as referring 10 books at one time can create a mess.

Apart from that my focus was to practice puzzles daily, read editorials from newspapers, and give ample amount of gk tests. I believe that reading newspapers daily is a must as it will not only enhance your vocab but also improve your reading skills immensely. I also gave mock tests a few days before the exams. Using this approach I missed many exams by a margin of 1 or 2 marks like SBI PO 2016, IBPS PO 2016 & RBI Assistant.

After not being able to clear all these exams I realized the biggest mistake I was doing. It was lack of self analysis and giving mock tests only a few days before exams. That time SBI 2017  notification had just come and I started giving mocks daily and the best thing mocks did to me was helping me figure out which questions not to attempt as they took time. A bit change in my strategy and study plan helped me to clear SBI & IBPS PO Prelims in 2017. However, I could not clear SBI Mains but managed to clear IBPS PO 2017. I was allotted Canara Bank on 01/04/2018 and am currently working there.

My advice to all the aspirants is to keep calm and never lose hope. Fail and start again. Most importantly give mock tests daily not only to improve your speed, but to figure out which questions to skip. I bought mocks from Oliveboard although I scored very less in them as they were quite difficult ones in the market at that time, and I knew IBPS exam will not be tougher than their tests.

I hope my journey will help other aspirants in their preparation. All the Best Guys!

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