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Success Story of Prabhuraja – Cleared IBPS Clerk 2018

Read about success story of Prabhuraja, who never settled for anything ordinary and went on to clear IBPS CLERK in 2018 after multiple failures in his life.

Hello Everyone, I am Prabhuraja and I have completed my engineering(Mechanical) few years back. After completing my B.Tech, I worked as a CNC operator in Chennai for some time and then as a Sales Executive in Hyundai. Then after a few months, I also joined Hero Fincorp and worked as a Collection Executive there. While working in all these companies I realized that this is not where I belong or see myself in next 5 years. It took me sometime to figure out that what I actually wanted to do.

A friend of mine who was preparing for Banking exams advised me to appear for the same. To be honest, I did not have enough idea about Banking sector and the selection process. But I knew that however difficult it is going to be…I will make it happen. My first exam was IBPS Clerk 2017. Having very less time to prepare for my first examination, I could not clear even the prelims.

I knew this was just the start and I cannot let these failures ruin my dreams. So I started preparing myself with better devised strategy and dedication. After getting continuous failures in 7 exams, I managed to clear RRB PO Prelims. Clearing the preliminary stage for the first time helped me in staying strong and moving forward. But again, I was not able to clear the Mains. Similarly, I managed to clear the ESIC SSO Prelims but was out in Mains. 

After getting multiple failures in Mains, I knew that there was something wrong with my preparation strategy and I had to formulate a new one in order to clear the Mains level. I started to focus more on practicing mock tests and devoted sufficient time in analyzing each and every mistake in order to avoid them in future. During this time, Oliveboard mock tests helped me immensely in preparing myself as per latest pattern and syllabus. Finally after so many failures and ups & downs, I was able to clear IBPS CLERK Mains in 2018 and then there was no looking back.

Lastly, I would like to suggest to all my fellow aspirants to keep going in order to achieve their goals. Remember, the journey to your goal & success is never going to be easy and each & every failure will work as a stepping stone towards your success. So make the best out of each and every opportunity.

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