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Success Story of Samidha Singh – Cleared SBI PO, IBPS PO

Read the success story of Samidha Singh who cleared exams like SBI PO, IBPS PO. She has attempted many more exams too. She says one needs to plan their journey accordingly in an organized manner to succeed. Here is her story:

Success Story of Samidha Singh


I am Samidha Singh. I’m from Nagpur, Maharashtra. My hometown is Raipur, Chhattisgarh. I got married in December 2020. I’ve completed my graduation in engineering in ECE branch. I’ve given various exams like SBI PO, IBPS PO, NIACL AO and SSC CGL. All other results are awaited.

Brief Description

I started preparing for SSC CGL in April-May 2021. I was unsure of clearing prelims so then started preparing for banking exams as notifications were lined up.

Although the syllabus was the same yet due to differences in the pattern I struggled a lot but came up with a suitable plan and practised mocks extensively. I’ve cleared IBPS PO mains, NIACL AO mains and SSC CGL final results are also awaited.

Preparation Strategy

Prelims: For Quants and Reasoning I referred to YouTube channels and cleared my basics. For English, I  made my own short notes and referred to some books. I also maintained an exclusive diary for vocabulary, one-word substitution, idioms & phrases and kept on revising it.

Mains: I started practising DIs regularly and gave sectional tests and analyzed thoroughly. Here you need to know which questions are worth attempting because it’s not possible to cover every single question so know your strengths and weaknesses to cover questions accordingly. Again solve mocks on a daily basis and revise Current Affairs religiously.

Interview: Take time to have a good understanding of yourself. Watch a lot of interview experiences to have an idea of what is asked and demanded. Prepare your own answers and make yourself presentable.

Role of Oliveboard

I referred to Oliveboard videos regarding interviews of Aditya Sir and Shri Siva Rama Sir which really helped me improve myself and give a better performance.

Tips or advice for the fellow aspirants

Be planned and organized during the entire journey. Have faith in yourself and be your own competitor. Strive harder every day to perform your level best so that at night before sleep you feel contended that you worked with optimum potential the entire day and be energetic for the next day ahead.

That was all about the success story of Samidha Singh. Read more such inspiring stories on Oliveboard App!