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Success Story of Tejaswiny Singh – Cleared SSC CGL 2016

“As long as you keep going, you’ll keep getting better. And as you get better, you gain more confidence. That alone is success.” Proving this quote right, Tejaswiny always stayed determined and proved that women are equally capable to achieve anything and everything. Here is the inspiring success story of Tejaswiny Singh:

success story of Tejaswiny Singh

Hello Everyone, I am Tejaswiny Singh and I am presently working as Inspector of Central Excise & Customs in Tamil Nadu. I have completed my B.Tech in 2013 from ITM, Gurgaon. I then moved on to pursue in Embedded Systems from the same college. After completing my M.Tech in 2015, I started preparing for SSC CGL.

My hard work showed colours and I was able to clear SSC in my very first attempt in 2016. Having said that, I am glad that Oliveboard gave me an opportunity to share my journey with you. I hope it will be beneficial for all the aspirants who wants to prepare for SSC.

My Preparation Strategy


It’s very important to prepare yourself as per latest pattern and syllabus. My first aim was to complete the syllabus and clear all my basic concepts. Trust me if your concepts are not crystal clear, you will not be able to clear the exams with good marks.

Once your concept is clear then move towards solving questions. Try and solve all types and levels of questions. Practicing is the best way to prepare yourself for such competitive exams. Solving mock tests also play a major role in your success. I used to solve good number of mocks from Oliveboard which were based on latest pattern and syllabus. Solving these mock tests and then analyzing it simultaneously helped me immensely to keep a track of my preparation.

You can refer this book named “Play With Advanced Maths” by Abhinay Sharma. It will help you to prepare yourself best for any type of questions asked in the exam


As far as Reasoning is concerned I worked more on understanding the right approach to solve the questions. If you do not know the correct approach to solve the questions in this section then you may land yourself investing a lot of time solving even one question.

I would advise to refer Kiran’s Book for this section as they proved quite beneficial in my preparations. Solving last year question papers are a must, so do solve last 2 to 3 years papers.


I referred Kiran’s English Solved Papers Book to practice for this section. Trust me solving questions in mock tests is the best way to prepare yourself for such competitive exams. It will improve your speed and accuracy immensely.

After clearing all my concepts and Grammar rules, I solved quite many mock tests. You can also refer Kiran’s English Book to solve last years paper. Generally Vocab keeps on repeating every year so solving last years papers religiously will help you a lot.


To tackle this section I compiled last years question papers and revised from it. I kept an aim of solving at least 100 questions per day. You can also give quizzes to track your performance.

Remember try practicing more questions instead of just mugging up the complete GK/GA notes.


This section needs you to be well versed with the latest happenings… read as much as you can. I made a list of 40 to 50 topics after referring various sources and wrote an essay on them. Try to cover all the important activities that is happening in India or across the World.

It will help you to prepare for your current affairs simultaneously.

Role of Oliveboard:

Oliveboard mock tests are very helpful. The level of mock tests provided by Oliveboard are so good that it prepares you best for any type of questions that can be asked in the real examination.

The analysis section of the mock tests are the best part. Just blindly giving tests will fetch you nothing. Analysing your weak areas, your strong areas, improvement sections are a must. Keep a track of your study schedule and plan it properly.

Tips to Aspirants:

Nothing is impossible. All you need is a proper direction and guidance to start with. Keep believing in yourself and that you can achieve what you have dreamt of.

Moreover, never think that you are lesser than anyone…everyone has a potential in them …you just need to drive it in the right direction.

I wish all the very best to all the aspirants.”

Read more success stories.