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BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result- Details, Minimum Qualifying Marks

Banaras Hindu University is widely recognized as BHU. This institution also referred to as Central Hindu College, is a government sector university in Banaras, Uttar Pradesh. This institution was created in 1916 and is undoubtedly one of the best universities in the country. Many students aspire to enroll in this institution to pursue various courses, but they must first pass the university’s entrance test. It admits students to the LLB program every year once they pass the BHU LLB Entrance Exam. This year, like in previous years, it will take the exam. It will release the BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result for those who appear in the test. Only those candidates whose names appear in the BHU LLB Entrance Merit List will be admitted to this university for the 2022-23 academic year. BHU LLB entrance test 2022 will be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) in May-June. In February, the online application for BHU LLB 2022 will be available. Applicants who have finished their undergraduate studies or are in their last year of graduate school will be able to enroll for BHU LLB 2022. The admission exam will be administered in an online format throughout the country.

BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result 2022

Applicants can access the BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result 2022 online, which will be displayed as a scorecard. The candidate’s name, section-wise marks, total marks, roll number, and other information will be included in the BHU LLB 2022 result. The BHU LLB 2022 results will be communicated with Banaras Hindu University, which will utilize them for counseling and admissions. After the examination is completed successfully, the results will be published. Students with high scores make it into the top merit list and are invited to apply for entrance to the BHU-LLB 3-year program when the results are announced.

For the applicants’ reference, we have supplied the following information on the declaration of results:

Downloading the BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result

Applicants must follow the below processes to obtain their BHU LLB 2022 result.

Details mentioned in BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result

Below are the details cited in the result:

The institution will disclose the counseling schedule and rules when the BHU LLB 2022 result is announced. In addition, the institution will issue counseling call letters to the individuals who have been shortlisted in order of merit. The BHU LLB counseling will take place in person at the university. Candidates must enroll for counseling and present the counseling form, as well as original papers, to university officials. The goal of providing the counseling is to cross-check the candidates’ credentials against the information they give on the BHU LLB application form. The counseling will take place in several stages, with a preliminary admission merit list being released after each round, detailing the name and roll numbers of those who have been selected for admissions.

BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result: Minimum Qualifying Marks

In BHU LLB 2022, the institution will set a minimum qualifying mark. Those who do not meet the minimum requirements will be rejected from the admissions process. Those who get qualifying grades or above will receive counseling call letters. However, applicants should be aware that throughout the counseling procedure, they will be contacted in order of merit list rank.

CategoryQualifying marks
General35 percent
OBC (Other Backward Classes)35 percent 
Scheduled Castes (SC)25 percent
Scheduled Tribes (ST)25 percent

BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result: Tie-breaking rule

If two or more candidates have similar grades, the Banaras Hindu University uses a pre-determined algorithm to determine the ranking.


Applicants should be aware of the rules and keep up to speed with changes to the examination dates, result date, admit card announcement, and so on by visiting the website. BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result 2022 will be beneficial if you prepare well for the examination. We hope that this post has provided you with useful information on the BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result, such as how to check it, what to look for on the scorecard, and so on. Please contact us at Oliveboard if you have any questions.


What information is included in the BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result?

The BHU LLB 2022 result will include information such as the candidate’s grade, rank, and category rank, as well as personal information such as name and parent’s name.

What follows after the BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result 2022?

Following the announcement of the results, the university will issue counseling call letters to the qualified applicants in the order of their merit list rank.

How do I get a copy of my BHU LLB report card?

The outcome has been published on the official website. By login into the BHU Entrance Portal, you may view the scorecard.

Is it possible for me to challenge the BHU LLB Entrance Exam Result 2022?

No, the BHU LLB 2022 result cannot be challenged. On no account will the exam answer sheet/book be scrutinized or re-evaluated.