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International Literacy Day 2023, Illuminating Minds and Societies

International Literacy Day 2023: The Chosen Theme

The theme for International Literacy Day 2023 is ‘Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies.’ This theme underscores the global nature of the celebration, resonating from the international arena down to local communities worldwide. At the global level, a conference is slated for both in-person and online participation on Friday, September 8, 2023, in Paris, France. This grand gathering will feature the prestigious UNESCO International Literacy Prizes award ceremony, recognizing outstanding programs that have made a significant impact.

The Urgent Significance: Illuminating the Challenge

UNESCO’s data reveals a stark reality: there are more than 770 million individuals worldwide who fall under the distressing category of illiteracy. These individuals are unable to read or write in at least one language. This alarming figure predominantly comprises women, with nearly half of them being adults. It’s worth noting that numerous low-income countries in Africa report literacy rates of less than 45 percent.

The nexus between poverty and illiteracy further compounds the issue, exacerbated by underfunded public education systems in these regions, struggling to carry the weight of the national education burden. UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring report underscores the pressing need for governments to assume greater responsibility in providing comprehensive education to children and to view the education pipeline as a unified system in the battle against illiteracy.

A Glimpse into History: The Birth of International Literacy Day

The origins of International Literacy Day trace back to UNESCO’s 14th General Conference session in 1966 when the event was officially announced. The inaugural celebration of International Literacy Day occurred in 1967. UNESCO’s decision to designate this day, made on October 26, 1966, during its 14th General Conference session, serves as a testament to the intrinsic value of literacy for individuals, communities, and society. Literacy is indeed the conduit to fostering a well-educated and proficient society.