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Success Story of Abhishek Choudhary – Cleared SBI PO & Clerk (2018)

“In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.” Similarly Abhishek always believed that “yes” he can achieve his dreams if he kept himself motivated and focussed. Here is the inspiring success story of Abhishek Choudhary:

“I am Abhishek Choudhary. I had started banking preparation from 1st January, 2018. Done Btech in Electronics & Communication Engineering, and have qualified for SBI PO & SBI Clerk 2018.

Preparation strategy:


Start by clearing your basics. You can refer some good YouTube videos or Oliveboard live classes for the same. Once basics are clear, try solving as many mock tests as you can and do analyse it properly. I used to practice a lot from Oliveboard mock tests as they are exactly as per the latest pattern and syllabus. Refer standard books like DI by Arun Sharma.


To tackle reasoning section you need to practice a lot and manage time properly. Clear basic concepts and practice more.


I used to read Indian Express Editorial page daily to improve English section. I would recommend the same to everyone. Refer some good books to clear your grammar concepts and more importantly enhance your reading skills.


I used Oliveboard GK Bolt after my Pre exam. These Bolts are provided every month for free and are very helpful for preparations.


Keep writing important points while reading editorials from newspapers.

Interview Tips:

Be confident and well prepared. I read newspapers like Indian express to prepare myself best for the interview.

Role of Oliveboard:

Oliveboard provides latest pattern mock tests and materials which helped me a lot to prepare for the banking exams. Thus I would recommend Oliveboard mock tests to everyone. Moreover, the level of questions in mock tests provided by Oliveboard is very good.

Tip to Aspirants:

Practice as much as u can. This will help you to improve speed which is vital in clearing banking exams.

All the best!”

Read more success stories.