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Success Story of Swastik kumar| Cleared IBPS PO

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Success Story of Swastik kumar

Success Story of Swastik kumar – We are sharing Prabhu Dayal Sah’s amazing success story with you, candidates. Swastik kumar successfully completed the IBPS PO exam. He had self-confidence, put in a lot of effort, was consistent, and never gave up. I hope his story helps you in your preparation Journey.


I am Swastik kumar muni from odisha (district koraput), completed my graduation in Btech(civil). Graduated in 2020.

Swastik kumar’s Preparation Journey 

It was a roller coaster ride and with many difficulties, frustration, failures etc

Subject-wise preparation strategy 

I used to watch oliveboard videos and used to attend sectional mocks. The videos helped me to increase my speed and accuracy and the sectional mock test of mains helped me a lot.

Reasoning – I used to watch videos of Radhey sir and used to practise puzzles and attempt mains sectional mock tests

English – For English solving rc and reading newspaper daily was my strategy

GK/GA – Oliveboard monthly bolt helped me a lot and daily tna were very useful. I used to revise through monthly bolt pdf

Interview – Mock interviews video on YouTube were very helpful

How Oliveboard helped you?

The mock tests were great and it helped me a lot

Tips for other aspirants 

Be patient , trust yourself, be dedicated and continue your hard work. It may take some time to get desired results but at the end you will surely get it.