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Success Story of Ravinder Paul Singh | Cleared SBI JA, JK Bank PO & Associate

Read the detailed success story of Ravinder, who did face a lot of failures during this journey. He went through many ups and downs but stayed dedicatedly on his path. He says, Strategy always varies from person to person. So make your own strategy based on your weaknesses.

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Inspiring Success Story of Ravinder Paul Singh

I am Ravinder Paul Singh. Presently working in the SBI as a Junior Associate. 

I had started preparing for the competitive exams in 2017 when IBPS notifications came out. I had faced a lot of failures due to a lack of strategy as I didn’t give any mock tests. So after that trauma, I realized and discussed it with friends who already got selected in banks. I started working on my weaknesses and I started giving time to every subject including Quant (which is my strong section since childhood) I worked on shortcuts and calculations and started giving mock tests. Initially, my score was not good but gradually it increased especially in the Reasoning and Quant sections but in the English section, I was unable to get good scores. In 2018 I cleared maximum PRE Exams and also cleared some main exams like RRB PO but I couldn’t get the final selection. So I felt low and stressed. 

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After getting out of stress I again started working on my weakness especially in the English section. I started reading daily and watched editorial videos and English section videos which included new pattern questions. In the GK section, I started watching videos from Oliveboard, read capsules from various sources, made short notes on static gk and banking awareness. Worked on reasoning high-level mains level puzzles and other topics. In 2019 I cleared maximum mains exams but unfortunately, I didn’t get my name in the final selection with margin marks like in LIC Assistant (.75 marks short), RRB PO(2 marks short), RRB clerk (.25 marks short). Perhaps I had to wait more time but I was very determined and I knew the time would come with the blessings of God. I harshed, cried, and after a few days again I started and followed my daily routine like same English reading, editorial videos, high-level puzzles, and giving mock tests. There is a quote HARD WORK NEVER GOES IN VAIN. Finally, with the blessings of God my hard work, dedication had paid off in late 2020. I got the final selection in a number of exams SBI JUNIOR ASSOCIATE, JK BANK PO, JK BANK ASSOCIATE, and also I cleared RRB PO mains with good scores but I didn’t appear in the interview because I joined SBI and I decided to stay in SBI. I got tears in my eyes but it was of happiness.

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Ravinder Paul Singh Subject-Wise Preparation Strategy

Reasoning:- In REASONING I studied all topics at once and later I practiced daily high-level puzzles from different sources online and offline.

Quantitative:- Honestly in this section, I did not give much time because I was good at Quant. Once I was conceptually done with all topics I only worked on shortcuts and calculations (I practiced regularly).

ENGLISH:- In this section, I put much effort because it was my weak section. I did daily reading, editorial videos, and other videos from different sources. Practiced fillers sentence correction and new pattern questions.

GK- In this section, I prepared static gk and banking awareness and made short notes on that. Before the mains exam, I went through that and for current affairs, I studied the last 3/4 months of current affairs from Oliveboard (videos). Covered question series and capsules from various sources. 

Last but not least, I purchased the Oliveboard Mock Test complete pack. I regularly gave mock tests because it provides quality questions. Once you achieve some level in the Oliveboard test series then surely you will do well in real exams. After giving mock tests I used to analyze them properly.


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How Oliveboard Helped In Ravinder Paul Singh?

Oliveboard has contributed a lot to my success. I regularly followed the Oliveboard YouTube channel TNA series, Daily current affairs sessions, and mock tests. I am very grateful to Harshita mam, Aditya sir, and other faculty. Their way of teaching is quite good and they provide quality content.

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Ravinder Paul Singh Advice To Aspirants

I can all say follow your dream. Do not be afraid of failures and work on your weaknesses. Give more time to your weak topics. Strategy always varied with aspirants. Make strategy according to your weak sections and topics. Give more time to that and be consistent. All the best.