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Success Story of Shubham Bharadwaj | Cleared SBI PO 2020

Read the success story of Shubham Bharadwaj, who took only 3-4 months to clear this exam as his aptitude skills were already good. During the whole process, Shubham remained very calm and didn’t worry about the results. Instead, he focussed on preparing for the next step.

Inspiring Success Story of Shubham Bharadwaj

I was working at a major telecom provider when I decided to switch to banking. My preparation span was around 3-4 months inclusive of the exams cycle. I always knew that I have good aptitude skills as I also bagged 3 job offers from my campus recruitment. But exams such as SBI PO demand top-notch preparation. I straight away started with giving mock tests here. I used to analyze every mock test result so that I could score better and quicker. I always aimed to do maximum questions in the exam and never thought about cutoffs. 

Prelims and Mains Preparation Strategy

English:- English was my strength, so I never worried about it.

Quants and Reasoning:- As I have already mentioned above, for logical reasoning and Quant, I prepared directly from mock tests. I used to solve all the questions which were challenging during mock tests and made sure I didn’t get caught up on those again. After giving Prelims, I wasn’t satisfied with my performance because one puzzle took a little more time to solve but my number of attempts was still good. I started preparing for mains after prelims results were declared.

The strategy was still the same, to give lots of mock tests. But I also gave importance to how to give the mains exam. In other words, I made my own strategy to attempt the mains exam. The mains exam was very tough but attempted the right questions at the right time and didn’t waste time on very tough questions.

After the mains, I had mixed feelings but I stayed away from thinking about how the exam went. When the mains result came, I was very happy to see my roll number on the list. This is when I seriously buckled up and prepared the whole banking knowledge syllabus in the time remaining till the interview.

Role of Oliveboard In Shubham’s Success

I watched Oliveboard Banking 2.0 videos for the interview preparation in the span of 2 days. Oliveboard provided me with the challenging environment which SBI PO demands. That helped me a lot to answer everything correctly in the interview. The interview went well and I was able to satisfy the panel. 

After the interview, I thanked God for giving me the strength to perform well in the whole process. I didn’t think about the result and enjoyed the time after that. The final result came late in the night, but I had already slept, so I checked the result the next morning at 5:00 AM. When I woke up, I was exhilarated to see my roll number in the final list. I shared the news with my family, and we celebrated that day. But this was also the first time I was leaving home. In just a matter of a few days, the formalities were complete, and I stepped out of the home to start a new journey all by myself.

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