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Top Myths About SSC CGL Exam

Today government jobs are the key to having a secure life. In addition, the SSC CGL exam is one of the biggest competitive entrance exams in the country. Thousands of students apply and sit for this examination every year. However, only the best candidates are chosen for the coveted seats. There are many myths that surround the SSC CGL exam, which sometimes creates confusion, but they are just that- myths. Read on to know what the myths are and what the actual truth is.

Top myths about SSC CGL exam

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  1.  Current Affairs are not a part of the exam

One of the biggest and common myths about the SSC CGL exams are that current affairs or news are not a part of the exam syllabus. If you check the previous years’ question papers, you will see that there are a couple of questions related to current affairs. Experts normally recommend aspiring candidates to go through at least 3 months’ worth of news and current affairs.[ps2id id=’myth-2′ target=”/]

  1. The same questions are included in the SSC exam every year.

Another common myth about the SSC CGL exam is that the same questions are repeated every year. Some of the questions can be of the same nature, but they are not entirely similar. This is because repeating the same questions every year will make it easy to solve the exam. Look in the previous’ years questions papers to see for yourself, how each question is different.[ps2id id=’myth-3′ target=”/]

  1. Section wise cut-offs do not hold any value.

Many people stay under the perception that if they score good marks in some of the questions, they will be safe. What they do not know is that every section in the question paper has its own cut-off. It is important for you to score that cut-off mark in each section, in order to get through.[ps2id id=’myth-4′ target=”/]

  1. The preparation of CGL Tier-I is different from the preparation of CGL Tier-II.

In the case of the Tier-I exam, there are 100 questions, each containing 2 marks, and the paper is divided into four parts- General Awareness, English Comprehension, Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude. The duration of tier-I exam is 2 hours. When it comes to the Tier-II exam, there are 400 questions and you will have 2 hours to finish it. The question paper consists of four sections- English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Statistics, and General Studies (Economics and Finance). Since the exam pattern is a bit different, it sometimes creates the misconception amongst candidates that the preparation will also be different. However, since the SSC CGL exam syllabus is the same for both the tiers, the preparation will also be the same. The only part included is the Statistics and General Studies section, for which you can refer to online study materials.

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If you manage to crack the SSC CGL examination and score well in it, then rest assured that you would be having a financially stable and secure life. Make sure that you do not pay much heed to the myths swirling around this exam, and you are sorted.