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UP Police Constable Exam Pattern- Recruitment, Important Dates, Pattern

The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) conducts examinations for the post of Police Constables. The exam dates will be released soon by the board. The UP Police Constable Exam is a written exam and consists of four papers- General Knowledge, General Hindi, Numerical Ability, and Mental Aptitude/Intelligent Quotient/Reasoning Ability. The official notice is posted on the official website ( Therefore, let’s understand the UP Police Constable Exam Pattern in detail.

UP Police Constable Recruitment; Important Dates

EventImportant Dates
Notification DateNot Yet Notified/ Announced
Application Starting DateNot Yet Notified/ Announced
Last Date to ApplyNot Yet Notified/ Announced
Written Exam DateNot Yet Notified/ Announced
Admit Card Released Date10 to 15 Days Before Exam Date
Result Date for PrelimsNot Yet Notified/ Announced

Note: UPPRPB will soon announce all the necessary dates related to respective events on their Official Website.

Paper Wise Question And Marks Bifurcation

The UP Police Constable Exam pattern has four papers. It will be an objective-based written test. The exam paper pattern is expected to be the same as previous years, and if any changes occur, the same will be notified on the official website. To qualify for the next stage of selection, candidates are expected to clear this exam. Paper-wise number of questions and marks have been tabulated as under:

PapersTotal number of questionsMarks
General Knowledge3876
General Hindi3774
Numerical Ability3876
Mental Aptitude/ Intelligent Quotient/ Reasoning Ability3774

This tells us that almost all the papers have been given equal importance, and it is essential to get good marks for excelling career.

The overall weightage of the exam is 300 marks with 150 total questions for four papers. Every question carries 2 marks. Since there is negative marking for wrong questions answered, answering correct ones as wrong marks will result in lower marks. 

UP Police Constable Syllabus

UP Constable Syllabus For General Knowledge

This exam evaluates the general knowledge of the candidates. Generally, current affairs of the past six months are asked, and they can be anything in the news. Candidates are advised to practice this paper every day. Following are the brief of the topics to be covered:

  1. History of India
  2. General Overview of the social norms and traditions of Uttar Pradesh
  3. Indian Constitution
  4. Agriculture in India
  5. India and neighbouring countries
  6. National and International Awards
  7. Culture of India
  8. Indian Economy
  9. Population, Environment and Urbanization
  10. Geography, Climate, Temperature, Wind direction and Natural Resources of India and World
  11. Human rights
  12. Revenue, police and general administrative arrangements in Uttar Pradesh
  13. Internal security and terrorism
  14. Cybercrime
  15. Demonetization and its impact
  16. Goods and service tax
  17. Social media communication
  18. Important days and events
  19. Countries/ Capital/ Currencies of the world
  20. Latest discoveries and researches in various fields
  21. Books and their authors
  22. Scriptures
  23. Sports- Athlete
  24. Such other knowledge

UP Constable Syllabus General Hindi

General Hindi tests for depth and command over the Hindi language- How the candidate can comprehend the language, the meaning, grammar, vocabulary, and more. Let us have a glimpse of the contents of this paper.

  1. Comprehension
  2. Setting titles for a passage
  3. Letter writing
  4. Word knowledge
  5. Use of words
  6. Antonyms
  7. Synonyms
  8. One word substitution
  9. Correction of sentence
  10. Idiom/ Phrases
  11. Vocabulary
  12. Grammar
  13. Gender- Gender, tenses, verb, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun and others

UP Constable Syllabus For Numerical Aptitude

Numerical Aptitude tests the numerical capability of the candidates. It helps to analyze the capability of candidates in quickly performing mathematical operations. It helps in knowing the cognitive abilities of the candidates. Let us have a glimpse of the contents of this paper.

  1. Number System
  2. Simplification
  3. Decimal and fraction
  4. Highest common fraction (HCF) and lowest common multiple (LCM)
  5. Ratio and Proportion
  6. Percentage
  7. Profit and loss
  8. Discount
  9. Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  10. Partnership
  11. Time and Work
  12. Distance, Speed and Time
  13. Use of Graphs
  14. Use of tables
  15. Mensuration

UP Constable Syllabus For Mental Ability Test

The Mental Ability Test tests the skills required in an individual to build develop skills that are required at different stages of life to build up a career. It determines the overall potential of a candidate and helps in determining his strength and weaknesses. Following are the brief of the topics to be covered:

  1. Logical Diagrams
  2. Symbol- Relationship Interpretation
  3. Codification
  4. Perception Test
  5. Word formation test
  6. Letter and number series
  7. Word and alphabet analogy
  8. Common sense test
  9. Letter and number coding
  10. Direction sense test
  11. Logical interpretation of data
  12. Forcefulness of argument
  13. Determining implied meanings

UP Constable Syllabus For Mental Aptitude Test

The mental Aptitude Test helps determine the ability of a candidate to think and provide new and innovative solutions. Following are the brief of the topics to be covered:

  1. Public Interest
  2. Law and order
  3. Communal Harmony
  4. Crime Control
  5. Rule of Law
  6. Ability of Adaptability
  7. Professional Information (Basic Level)
  8. Police System
  9. Contemporary Police Issues and Law and order
  10. Basic Law
  11. Interest in Profession
  12. Mental Toughness
  13. Sensitivity towards minorities and underprivileged
  14. Gender sensitivity

UP Constable Syllabus For Intelligent Quotient Test

The Intelligent Quotient Test is designed to assess human intelligence. It tests the reasoning ability of a person. It analyzes how the person uses the information and logic to answer questions or make predictions. Following are the brief of the topics to be covered:

  1. Relationship and Analogy Test
  2. Spotting out the dissimilar
  3. Series Completion
  4. Coding- decoding
  5. Direction Sense Test
  6. Blood Relation
  7. Problems based on the alphabet
  8. Time sequence test
  9. Venn diagram and chart type test
  10. Mathematical ability test
  11. Arranging in order

UP Constable Syllabus For Reasoning Test

One of the most important aspects required in a candidate is the quality of reasoning the activities. This paper helps to know how capable the individual is in his reasoning. Following are the brief of the topics to be covered:

  1. Analogies
  2. Similarities
  3. Differences
  4. Space visualization
  5. Problem- solving 
  6. Analysis and Judgment
  7. Decision-making
  8. Visual memory
  9. Discrimination
  10. Observation
  11. Relationship
  12. Concepts
  13. Arithmetic reasoning
  14. Verbal and figure classification
  15. Arithmetical number series
  16. Abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships
  17. Arithmetical computations and other analytical functions


After going through the UP Constable Exam pattern and syllabus, you can get a clear idea of what needs to be prepared and plan accordingly. A well-planned routine to complete the syllabus and time management will help the candidates in clearing the exam. Candidates will be eligible for further selection only if they clear this examination.

Frequently asked questions

What topics are covered in the UP Police Constable Exam pattern?

The UP Police Constable Exam covers general knowledge, general Hindi, Numerical Aptitude, Mental Ability Test, Mental Aptitude, Intelligent Quotient, and Reasoning.

Will the UP Police Constable Exam be conducted offline mode?

This exam will be conducted in online mode only.

What is the next stage after qualifying for the written round of the UP Police Constable Exam pattern?

The candidates will be called for Document Verification and Physical Standard Test post-qualifying the written exam.

Is there any negative marking for wrong answers in the UP Constable Exam pattern?

Every incorrect answer gets a negative marking of 0.25 mark.

What medium of language is the question paper set for the UP Constable Exam?

The question paper is set in both English and Hindi.

What is the official website of the UP Constable Exam?

The official exam of UP Constable Exam is (