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UPSC Economics Optional Syllabus- Syllabus: Paper I and Paper II

Of the 48 optional papers for UPSC, the economics optional is generally preferred by those who have had economics as a subject during their bachelor’s course. Over the past years, the economics optional has helped candidates improve their scores, leading to increased popularity amongst future aspirants.  

Economics as an optional subject is analytical and requires the use of rational logic. Therefore, this optional subject is relatively objective. So, answering them is easier than most other subjects.  This makes economics a highly scoring option.

Almost 60% of the General Studies Paper 3 is covered in economics, leading to many materials for studying. With an additional 40% syllabus to cover for the Economics optional, it becomes easier to complete the syllabus. Let’s look at the UPSC Economics Optional Syllabus in detail to know more about this exam.

Economics Optional Syllabus for UPSC

UPSC Economics Optional Syllabus: Paper I

Advanced Micro Economics

Advanced Macro Economics

Money-Banking Finance

International Economics

Growth and Development

UPSC Economics Optional Syllabus: Paper-II

Pre-Liberalisation Era

Post-Liberalisation Era 


Economics is a highly scoring subject and a good choice since it is also objective in nature. Choosing it provides a good chance of increasing one’s score.  For those of you who have Economics as a subject, revising and moving on to new topics is advised.  Follow the economics optional syllabus thoroughly to get a solid grasp on the concepts that would come in the exam. For those who have not studied economics till now, it is of crucial importance, to begin with, the basics, for which you can pick up the NCERT economics books meant for schools. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How many economics optional papers are there in UPSC Examination?

There are two optional economics papers in UPSC Examination.

What are the topics under the economics optional syllabus for Paper I?

The topics under the economics optional syllabus for Paper I are:
Advanced Micro-economics
Advanced Macro-economics
Money Banking and Finance
International Economics
Growth and Development