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Uttarakhand Govt Jobs – List Of All State Government Exams

Uttarakhand Govt Jobs

Government employment in the United Kingdom is in high demand due to the high level of job security, attractive pay, and exciting career and growth chances. To fill various vacancies, the Uttarakhand government issues numerous notifications, including UKPSC Notifications 2021. A considerable number of people from Uttarakhand apply for government jobs in the state. As a result, explore all Uttarakhand Government Job Vacancies and be updated about upcoming Uttarakhand Govt Careers.

Uttarakhand government employment is among the safest and most promising in the country. Because of the high level of job security, excellent salary, and exciting career and advancement opportunities, government jobs in the United Kingdom are in high demand. The Uttarakhand government produces multiple notifications, like UKPSC Notifications 2021, to fill various jobs. A large number of Uttarakhand residents seek government positions in the state.

Apply For Government Jobs In Uttarakhand Online:

The Uttarakhand government prefers to use “Uttarakhand Govt Recruitment Apply online” rather than the offline technique. Because the user does not have to leave the house to complete the activities, online techniques are more convenient and time-saving. Jobscloud provides Uttarakhand Govt Jobs Notifications, online application forms, official applying links, and the official website to let you apply online whenever you need to. Each notification also includes complete application instructions under “How to Apply for UK Government Jobs,” making the procedure much easier. When applying for jobs in the Uttarakhand government, aspirants must be aware of a range of factors. Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Previous year question papers, admit cards, Answer key, Result, final date to apply, Exam dates, official website, and so on are a few of these things.

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (Ukpsc) Under Uttarakhand Government Jobs

There are various exams that are conducted for Uttarakhand Public Service Commission and are listed in the table below: 

1UKPSC Civil judgeCivil judge22 years – 35 years
2UKPSC APO RecruitmentAssistant prosecution officer21 years – 42 yearsRs 44900 -Rs 142400
3UKPSC Lower PCS examNayab tehsildar, supply inspector, deputy jailor etc.21years – 43 yearsRs 29200 – Rs 142400
4UKPSC RO AROReview officerAssistant review officer21years – 42 yearsRs 47600 – Rs 151100Rs 44900 – Rs 142400
5UKPSC lecturerLecturer for various posts21years – 42 yearsRs 47600 – Rs 151100
6UKPSC Forest Range OfficerForest Range Officer21years – 42 years47600-151100

Teacher Recruitments For Uttarakhand Government Jobs

There are various exams that are conducted for teacher recruitments and are listed in the table below: 

1UKSSSC Assistant teacherAssistant teacher21 years – 42 yearsRs 44900-Rs 142400
2USETAssistant professorsNo age limit
3UTETTeachers18 years – 28 yearsRs 44900 – Rs 142400

Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UKSSSC) 

There are various exams that are conducted for Uttarakhand subordinate service selection commission and are listed in the table below: 

1UKSSSC Assistant accountantAssistant accountant21 years – 42 years29200 Rs – 92300 Rs
2UKSSSC VPDOVillage panchayat development officer21 years – 42 years25500 Rs -81100 Rs
3UKSSSC Assistant teacherAssistant teacher21 years – 42 years44900 Rs -142400 Rs
4UKSSSC Forest guardForest guard18 years – 28 years21700 Rs – 69100 Rs
5UKSSSC Accounts clerkAccounts clerk18 years – 42 years21700 Rs – 69100 Rs
6UKSSSC junior assistantjunior assistant18 years – 28 years21700 Rs – 69100 Rs
7UKSSSC assistant agriculture officerassistant agriculture officer21 years – 43 years25500 Rs – 81100 Rs
8UKSSSC instructorInstructor21 years – 43 years19900 Rs -142400 Rs
9UKSSSC driverDriver21 years – 43 years21700 Rs – 69100 Rs
10UKSSSC graduate levelVarious posts21 years – 42 yearsDepending upon post19900 Rs -112400
11UKSSSC Stenographer & personal assistantstenographer & personal assistant18 years – 42 years29200 Rs -112400 Rs
12UKSSSC foresterForester18 years – 42 years29000 Rs – 93000 Rs

Various Other Recruitments for Uttarakhand Government Jobs

There are various posts for the Uttarakhand government and are listed in the table below: 

1Uttarakhand Post officeMTS, GDS Postman and others18 years – 40 years25,000 Rs
2Uttarakhand civil and family courtProject Personnel21 years – 35 years 44,900 Rs- 1,42,400 Rs

Latest Recruitments For Uttarakhand Government Jobs

There are various posts for the Uttarakhand government and are listed in the table below: 

1UKSSSCSecretariat security33
2WIIProject Personnel16
3IIT RoorkeeJunior Lab Assistant, Junior Assistant and othersGDMO, Finance officer, and othersProject assistant133, 6, 1
4AIIMS Rishikesh recruitmentJunior resident, senior resident and another post700
5UBTERUBTER Staff nurse123
6UPCLUPCL Assistant Engineer33
7UKMSSB MSWMedia Social Worker38
8Uttarakhand Vidhan Sabha SachivalayaGroup b and group c posts33
9UKMSSB Recruitmenttechnician306
10GDS Gramin dak sevak recruitment- Uttarakhand cycleAssistant branch post master, branch post master and dak sevak581
11UKMSSB X-ray technician recruitmentX-ray technician70
12UKMSSB drafter recruitmentdrafter75

Benefits Of Doing Government Jobs

  1. High Salary – One of the most compelling reasons why people pick government positions is the high pay that comes with them. Government employees earn a wage that is comparable to or higher than that of private-sector employees. Furthermore, unlike private sector positions, where payments can be delayed, government employees receive their compensation on time regardless of the scenario. This is one of the main reasons why people enjoy working for the government.
  2. Medical and Health Insurance – A person’s health is exceedingly uncertain. We just don’t know what a person might go through at any one time. Furthermore, with ever-increasing hospital fees, finding adequate medical care has become increasingly challenging. In light of these considerations, the government gives free healthcare to all employees who work for them. In addition to this reward, the government also assumes responsibility for the employee’s complete family’s expenses. The government will cover all medical expenses, regardless of how high they are. Employee loyalty in the government sector is also increased as a result of this.
  3. Allowances – If your monthly or even yearly expenses have grown for some reason, you don’t have to worry if you work in the government sector because they will cover all of your additional costs. If, for example, you travel too frequently or your grocery shopping has grown significantly, the government will offer you Dearness Allowances (DA) and Travelling Allowances (TA) to assist you to cover all of the additional costs. Even if inflation rates are high, these allowances will be provided. In addition, the government will provide you with a discount on your travel tickets if you choose to travel anyplace in the country. Much private-sector employment do not give these benefits, but they are guaranteed in government ones.
  4. Holidays – We all enjoy vacations because they allow us to spend time with our families and friends. To help employees cope with their workload, the government provides numerous breaks throughout the year. This allows an employee to travel to their vacation destination and spend time with their family. Employees in the private sector are rarely given any vacation time aside from the standard ones. In addition, if an employee is under a lot of stress, the government may grant them a week off. This enables government workers to cope with stress and return to work with renewed zeal.
  5. Benefits in housing – This is perhaps the best benefit you can get from working for the government. In an era where real estate prices are rising by the day, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the average person to buy or rent a home. Being a government employee will help you in this situation. The government has created accommodations for you to stay at government quarters for a nominal fee or, in some cases, completely free of charge. You will be able to save a significant amount of money on housing as a result of this. After retirement, though, you will not be able to return to the same location. However, this is an advantage that almost no other private corporation can match.
  6. After retirement insurance – One of the major drawbacks of working in the private sector is that when you retire, you will not have enough money to be stress-free and spend the rest of your life calmly. After retirement, you’ll need a pension to cover your everyday expenses. It’s especially useful if you’re in your senior years and have health issues. However, if you work for the government, you will most likely obtain complete life insurance after you retire. As a result, you will not have to be concerned about your financial future and will be able to retire comfortably with a sizable pension.
  7. Social Security – In today’s competitive world, when the cost of living is rising daily and pay stubs are becoming shorter, most people’s primary concern is surviving without dread of the future. Furthermore, working for a private sector company does not guarantee job security; employees can be fired at any time if the company is not profitable enough. This is where working for the government will help you. In government positions, you’ll get paid on time, have free health care, a lifetime pension, and other benefits that will help you to live a stress-free life.
  8. Security in the job – In recent years, layoffs have become more widespread in the private sector. Because businesses aren’t making as much money as they’d like, it’s become necessary for them to lay off workers in order to keep the business running at a loss. Government layoffs do occur, although they are uncommon and insignificant when compared to private companies. Working for the government gives you the comfort of knowing you’ll have a job for the rest of your life. One of the main reasons why people prefer government jobs over private-sector jobs is because of this.

Some of the following benefits may be found in private sector positions as well, but possessing all of them is extremely rare in any other type of job. These benefits are critical to the smooth and efficient operation of your life. It also leads to a fulfilling professional career and a comfortable retirement. After learning about the benefits of a government job, it’s safe to state that government positions far outnumber private sector ones in terms of benefits.


Candidates must be aware of the Uttarakhand government jobs. A candidate will be selected for the post only if they score above the minimum cutoff marks. We hope the article has given you the relevant information regarding the Uttarakhand government jobs. For any queries, contact us at Oliveboard.


How many positions are covered by the UKPSC?

The UKPSC publishes job announcements for a variety of positions, including lecturer, civil judge, APO, assistant review officer, forest range officer and review officer.

What is the vacancy of the UBTER staff nursing position?

For the year 2021, there are a total of 123 UBTER staff nursing vacancies.

What is the age limit for a police constable in Uttarakhand?

The age limit for police constables in Uttarakhand is 18-22 years.

What is the maximum age for USET applicants?

The USET has no fixed maximum or higher age limit; all a candidate has to remember is that they meet the educational requirements.

How much does a UKSSSC account clerk make?

UKSSSC account clerks earn between Rs 21700 and Rs 69100 per month.

What is the vacancy of the UKMSSB X-ray technician?

For the year 2021, there will be a total of 70 UKMSSB X-ray technicians.

How much does a UKSSSC assistant teacher make?

UKSSSC account clerks earn between Rs 44900 and Rs 142400 per month.

What is the age limit for UTET teachers?

The age limit for UTET teachers is 18 years – 28 years.