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Impact of Globalization on India: Notes for JAIIB IE & IFS

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Impact of Globalization on India: Globalization refers to the process of interconnection and integration among individuals, businesses, and governments across the world. It has had a profound impact on India, shaping the country’s economy, politics, culture, and society in numerous ways. This article examines the various dimensions of globalization and its impact on India.

Impact of Globalization on India

Here we will analyse the impact that the process of globalization has had on India from four different angles:

Economic Impact

The economic impact of globalization on India has been significant. India has emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Its GDP has been growing at an average rate of around 7% in the last decade. The following factors are key features of the economic impact of globalisation on India:

Political Impact

Cultural Impact

Social Impact

Impact of Globalisation on India: Conclusion

In conclusion, the impact of globalization on India has been multi-dimensional, with both positive and negative effects on the country’s economy, politics, culture, and society.

Concluding Points:

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Impact of Globalization on India: FAQs

What are the different impacts that globalization has on India?

Broadly, Globalization has impacted India on an economic, cultural, social and political scale.

Is globalization good for India?

Globalization has been both good and bad for India. While it has boosted economy, development, technology and employment, it has also increased the divide between skilled and unskilled labour. On the socio-cultural front, it has brought in new ideas, a more open society; but it also has brought in the problems that come with