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5 Sureshot JK Panchayat Account Assistant Preparation Tips

The aspirants have been elated since the announcement of JK Panchayat Account Assistant recruitment. We are sure many of you are already neck-deep into your preparations. To make your preparations easier and guided we have brought JK Panchayat Account Assistant preparation tips. These tips are devised by our experts and are effective.

Not only this but along with the preparation tips we also provide you with preparation sources. Isn’t that exciting? So without any further ado, let’s start with the article.

1. JK Panchayat Account Assistant – Exam Pattern

Before moving ahead with the preparation tips let’s have a brief look at the exam pattern.

Subjects Marks
General Knowledge with special reference to J&K. 30
Mathematics / Statistics 10
General Science 10
General Economics 10
Knowledge of Computer Applications 30
Accountancy and Book Keeping 30
Total Marks 120

Register Here & Start Preparing For The Exam Now

You can also check for the complete syllabus by clicking on the link here.

2. JK Panchayat Account Assistant Preparation Tips

When you are preparing for a paper, planning your preparation is a must. Here are a few tips by which you can efficiently assess your prep and improve over time.

i) Practice Mock Tests:

Mock Tests will be your prime for exam preparations. These will help you understand which section or topic needs your attention, which topic is a weak point for you. And with Oliveboard’s AI-Analytics platform, we have made it much easier for you.

Our analytics platform lets you know about the time spent on each question, answers correct and incorrect, what was a topic that needs more brush up & more.

Register here, take a mock test and experience yourself.

ii) Analyze the Mock Tests:

Attempting a mock test alone will not suffice your purpose. To understand the areas of improvement you need to analyze the mock test thoroughly.

Devote enough time to each question to understand what went wrong and what were your correct attempts. Correct attempts might give you a better understanding of the topics you are comfortable in.

iii) Time Management:

This will be one of the key factors while your preparations. Giving enough time to the required subject will improve your overall score in the long run. It is advised to start your prep by attempting a mock test. This will help you know which area of your needs more focus and you can plan your timing accordingly.

Register Here & Take A Mock Test.

Try to give enough time to the section you face the most difficulty in and a substantial amount of time to your stronger Areas.

iv) Revision of Learned Concepts:

10-15 days prior to the exam when the preparation is at its peak, one of the most important steps to follow is the revision. This will help you retain the formulas, logic, tricks, current affairs, you have learned so far.

Try to pen down the important formulas and topics at the time of preparations, this will help you give a quick revision towards the end leg of your preparations. Devote enough time to revision and keeps brushing your concepts on a regular interval.

v) Keep a regular check on the Current Affairs

Current Affairs are not something that can be hogged overnight. Keep a regular check on your current affairs and revise again and again to retain. Give special attention to the J&K current affairs as they could be the highlights in the exam.

Well, that is not all, along with the tips we have more in for you that will help you prepare better.

3. JK Panchayat Account Assistant – Online Mock Tests

To boost your preparations for the exam we have brought the following for you:

All of this is curated by experts. So what are you waiting for? Enroll Now

Bonus Tips: Do not forget to give yourself enough time to relax in between your preparation, this will help your mind rejuvenate. Thus allowing you to prepare more efficiently.

That brings us to the end of this article. We hope that the tips provided on how to prepare for AFCAT help you prepare for the exam in an efficient way. Follow the tips diligently and ace the exam.

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