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MPSC STI Cutoff- Factors, Previous Years’ Cutoff Marks

MPSC State Tax Inspector is one of the most popular civil service exams at the state level. The State Tax Inspector (STI) exam is administered by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC). For the State Tax Inspector Post, the MPSC has published a total of 66 vacancies. The minimal cutoff marks for applicants who took the MPSC STI exam must be met. The MPSC STI Cutoff marks differ by category. As a result, you must first clear distinct cutoff markers before proceeding with the selecting method. On one page, we’ve compiled all of the material you’ll need for both the preliminary and main exams. Applicants who pass the preliminary test are eligible to sit for the main exam. Because the organization receives a high number of applications from participating in this exam, all applicants will face intense competition.


The MPSC Preliminary/Main Cutoff is the minimum score or percentile that candidates must achieve to advance to the next stage of selection. The MPSC STI Cutoff is published on the internet.

How To Check the MPSC STI Cutoff

For optimal preparation, it is vital to know the exam’s cutoff. Take a look at the processes outlined below to obtain the MPSC STI Exam cutoff.

MPSC STI Cutoff: Expected 

The applicants can go through the below table to evaluate the expected cutoff.

Expected Cutoff For Prelims Exam

Category Sub-Category Prelims Marks
GENMale/Female 57/51
SCMale/Female 52/45
STMale/ Female 50/39
OBCGeneral 57
PwdHearing Impairment 38

Expected Cutoff For Mains Exam

Category Sub-Category Mains Marks
GENMale/Female 146/134
SCMale/Female 127/120
STMale /Female 125/119
OBCGeneral 146
PwdHearing Impairment 108

Through these figures, all candidates studying for the MPSC STI Exam can obtain an idea of the predicted cutoff for both tiers, and it will assist them in improving their preparedness.

Factors Affecting the MPSC STI Cutoff

Every year, several factors influence the test cutoff. Some major criteria that influence the MPSC STI Cutoff are listed below.

MPSC STI Cutoff: Previous Years’ Cutoff Marks

Examine past years’ cutoff marks to predict the official MPSC STI Exam cutoff. To obtain an idea of the predicted cutoff for the STI Exam, look at the table below.

MPSC STI Exam 2018: Prelims Cutoff marks

According to the MPSC STI Recruitment Procedure 2018, the prelims exam cutoff scores are as follows:


MPSC STI Exam 2018: Mains Cut-off marks

According to the MPSC STI Recruitment Procedure 2018, the mains exam cutoff scores are as follows:


MPSC STI Exam 2019: Prelims Cutoff marks


MPSC STI Exam 2019: Mains Cut-off marks


Candidates must review the cutoff list to have a better understanding. These lists will provide applicants with a clear understanding of the exam’s level and how they should study for it to achieve the best possible outcome.


If you have applied or intend to apply for the position of MPSC STI, having a rough notion of the MPSC STI Cutoff can help you prepare for the exam with a specific goal in mind. Because the authorities will disclose the final cutoff only after the exam is completed, you will have to depend on the previous year’s cutoff marks. Calculate past cutoff marks and prepare rigorously for the test to arrive at a projected cutoff mark. More articles like this may be found on the Oliveboard site. Now is the time to get serious about your preparation.


What is the MPSC STI exam’s negative marking policy?

For each incorrect response, 0.25 points will be deducted.

In the 2019 Prelims Exam, what were the SC category’s MPSC STI Cutoff marks?

In the 2019 Prelims test, the SC category cutoff mark is 42.

What factors have an impact on the cutoff marks?

Three things that primarily influence the cutoff marks. These are the following:
Number of Positions Available
Number of Applicants in Total
The Exam’s Level of Difficulty

Is it possible for me to take MPSC after the 12th?

No, you cannot take the MPSC test after completing your 12th grade since the MPSC exam requires a Bachelor’s degree as a minimum requirement.