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Inspiring Success Story of Prajjwal Tamboli | Cleared SBI PO 2020

Read the Success Story of Prajjwal Tamboli, who cleared his exam in the second attempt. He says his daily routine was not something special, but he kept his focus majorly on mock tests. He suggests to all aspirants that every person is different, and every one has its own capability of learning, so kindly go with your own flow.

Inspiring Success Story of Prajjwal Tamboli

Hello, my name is Prajjwal Tamboli. I am from Bilaspur (C.G.). Currently, I am 23 years old and I got selected in my 2nd attempt at the SBI PO exam.

My daily routine was not something special I simply get up in the morning do my daily chores and then study as per my understanding but at the time of my examination, I attempted mock tests daily and reviewed them daily, and practiced questions that were hard for me at the exam and then when I was able to solve them I focused on doing them efficiently.

Prajjwal’s Subject-wise preparation Strategy


I was good at English from the start, but exam questions were different from what I was doing, so I attempted mock tests and reviewed them and practiced questions to get good at them.


I was poor at maths, but I learned concepts and practiced mock tests and some questions too on a daily basis in the beginning and when I grasped the concepts I got comparably good at maths. 


The reasoning was all about solving different types of questions and practicing them, which I did with the help of Oliveboard.

Role of Oliveboard in Prajjwal’s Success

I have attempted other websites’ mock tests but when I started giving Oliveboard mock tests I got the right type of mock tests which would help me in clearing the exam and to this day I can say Oliveboard mock tests are best in banking.

Mocks are excellent and the quality is great. Kindly keep it going it would help other aspirants in the future.

Prajjwal’s Tips for Aspirants

The only advice I can give to other aspirants is that every person is different and every one has its own capability of learning so kindly go with your own flow and don’t ever quit because this type of exam is not only going to test your mind’s capability but also the patience factor in you.

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