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Toppers’ Tips for SBI PO 2019 Exam

Aspiring to clear SBI PO 2020? But have you started preparing for it? Preparation of any exam demands not only hard work but also perseverance and when it comes to aiming for exams like SBI PO, you must be consistent from the very start. It is always best to have a strategic insight before you start your preparation and who can advise you better than those who’ve been there and done that! To make it a lot easier, today we bring to you, toppers’ tips for SBI PO exams. Go through these tips and formulate an effective exam preparation strategy.

Toppers’ Tips for SBI PO 2019

Mohit Rawat – Cleared SBI PO and Clerk 2018

SBI PO Preparation Strategy:


Strategies are subjective. One needs to personalize one’s strategy with one’s capabilities to get maximum benefits. The Preliminary exams check your knowledge and speed, so I did the syllabus by myself (it gave me a good understanding of the underlying concepts; this helped me in my Mains as well). Then I gave Oliveboard Mock Test to gain speed in Quants section.


Same for the Reasoning as well. Practice as much as you can. I made sure that I gave a good number of mock tests to prepare myself for the exam.


Always clear your Grammar basics before giving mock tests. Read some good newspapers to work on your vocab and to improve your reading skills.


Keep yourself updated by reading newspapers and watching news channels. Make short notes so you can cover them easily during your revision time.

Tip to Aspirants:

Knowledge and Speed are imperative for these exams but you also need confidence in your own abilities. A strong intuition needs to be developed to manage risks when one is confronted with tricky questions. This is best done by giving a lot of Mocks. Oliveboard is known for their Standard Mock Test series which is tougher than the usual SBI/IBPS PO. Once I started getting good enough marks in my Oliveboard Mock tests, my confidence in my ability to Crack the SBI exam increased.

Read Mohit Rawat’s Complete Success Journey

Chitransh Chouhan – Cleared SBI PO 2018

SBI PO Preparation Strategy:


I didn’t have good speed in the Quantitative Aptitude section, since I didn’t have time to practice a bulk of questions and improve my speed. So my first reaction to quantitative section was to pick out easily doable questions as quickly as possible and solve them with above 90% (if not 100%)  accuracy.


Same strategy goes with the reasoning section, where I picked out easy puzzles and solved them first. Again practice, practice and practice is the only solution to all the problems.

For Expert Help on Reasoning topics, Register here


I would like to advise all the aspirants to read some good newspapers daily and watch news channels which will help to improve the English section. You can also refer Oliveboard New Pattern English tests which are especially designed to improve your English section.


Try and over last 6 months data from various sources and keep making notes so you can revise at the last moment.

Oliveboard mock tests’ difficulty level and experience was on par with the actual examination. The test series really lets you know about your weak areas, gives detailed solution for every question and every other detail you might want to know about your performance. It was extremely helpful for me to prepare for the exam.

Read Chitransh Chouhan’s Complete Success Journey

Vaibhav Saxena – Cleared SBI PO and SBI Clerk 2018 (in first attempt)

SBI PO Preparation Strategy:


Start by clearing your basics. You can refer some good Youtube videos or join Oliveboard Live Classes for the same. Once basics are clear, try solving as many mock tests as you can and do analyse it properly after every mock is done. I used to practice a lot from Oliveboard mock tests as they are exactly as per the latest pattern and syllabus.


To tackle reasoning section you need to practice a lot and manage time properly. Clear basic concepts and practice as much as you can as this is the best way to score in reasoning.


I used to read newspapers daily (Editorial section) to improve my English. I would recommend the same to everyone. Read good newspapers daily to improve your vocab and reading skills. Refer some good books to clear all the basic grammar rules and then proceed to solve mock tests. This will help you to improve your English immensely.


Watch news channels daily to keep yourself updated. Newspapers are again a great source to keep yourself updated with the latest happenings. I used Oliveboard GK tests which were very helpful to cover a major area.

Read Vaibhav Saxena’s Complete Success Journey

Himani Mittal – Cleared SBI PO 2018 (First Attempt)

SBI PO Preparation strategy:

Practice is the key for clearing SBI PO ( both prelims and mains). Solve at least 20 mock tests for prelims and 10 mock tests for mains. This will help you in increasing your speed and also make you accustomed to the actual exam pattern. By solving mock tests, you will get to practice a lot of new type of questions. 

My mantra for clearing the exam is ‘PRACTICE’.

First, make sure that all your basics are crystal clear. For English focus on Grammar rules. Keep practicing as much as you can.

Practice is the key for clearing SBI PO (both prelims and mains). Solve at least 20 mock tests for prelims and 10 mock tests for mains. This will help you in increasing your speed and also make you accustomed to the actual exam pattern. By solving mock tests, you will get to practice a lot of new type of questions. Please learn all the basic formulas for P/L, Time/Speed/Distance, Ratios etc. This will help you a lot to improve your Aptitude and Logical Reasoning section.

I think GA/GK  is one of the easiest part and the most scoring one. Read current affairs for at least last 4 months from the exam month and revise it thrice before the exam. For banking, learn the basic terminologies. Meanwhile, do attempt various quizzes. Apart from this, do revise the GA section of the mock tests that you have attempted.

Last but not least, a big thank you to OliveboardOliveboard Test Series has helped me a lot in clearing the exam. Both for prelims and mains, I bought Oliveboard test series and the mock tests were really good. Questions were up to the mark and the difficulty level was equivalent to the actual exam.

So this was it. I hope my story will help you in achieving your dreams. I wish all the very best to all the aspirants.

Read Himani Mittal’s Complete Success Journey

Abhishek Choudhary – Cleared SBI PO and Clerk (2018)

SBI PO Preparation strategy:


Start by clearing your basics. You can refer some good YouTube videos or Oliveboard live classes for the same. Once basics are clear, try solving as many mock tests as you can and do analyse it properly. I used to practice a lot from Oliveboard mock tests as they are exactly as per the latest pattern and syllabus.


To tackle reasoning section you need to practice a lot and manage time properly. Clear basic concepts and practice more.


I used to read Indian Express Editorial page daily to improve English section. I would recommend the same to everyone. Refer some good books to clear your grammar concepts and more importantly enhance your reading skills.


I used Oliveboard GK Bolt after my Pre exam. These Bolts are provided every month for free and are very helpful for preparations.

Tip to Aspirants:

Practice as much as u can. This will help you to improve speed which is vital in clearing banking exams.

Read Abhishek Choudhary’s Complete Success Journey

After going through the toppers’ tips for SBI PO exam, we can come to few points that are common and are sure shot tips for the upcoming SBI PO Exam 2020. Let’s glance through these tips.

Hope these tips help you and their stories inspire you do better in the upcoming SBI PO exam.