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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster – 20 December 2019

Enhance your English Vocabulary with Oliveboard’s Daily Vocabulary Booster. This daily article on Oliveboard gives you a list of English words taken from the Editorial section of The Hindu Editorial, with their correct meanings, synonyms, antonyms and correct usage. Here you get a chance to not only enhance your English Vocabulary but will aid you immensely in your competitive exams as well if you are consistent in reading this article daily. So, read along the Daily Vocabulary 20 December 2019.

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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary 20 December 2019

Words Meanings & Synonyms Antonyms Usage
Annals A record of events year by year;

Archives, Chronicles, Accounts, Registers, Journals;

Historical records

  This period is one of the darkest in the annals of US history.
Bonafide Genuine, Real, Authentic, Genuine, True, Actual, Sterling Fake, Bogus She has established her position as a bona fide celebrity.
Chasm A deep fissure in the earth’s surface;

Gorge, Abyss, Canyon;

A profound difference between people, viewpoints, feelings, etc;

Breach, Gulf, Rift, Division, Schism, Split, Severance

Closing, Closure, Junction, Juncture


There is still a vast economic chasm between developed and developing countries.
Conformity Behaviour in accordance with socially accepted conventions;

Compliance with standards, rules, or laws;

Compliance with, Adherence to, Accordance with, Observance of

Eccentricity, Rebellion,  Conflict, 

Disagreement, Incongruence


The corporate culture demands a certain conformity of appearance.
Infamy The state of being well known for some bad quality or deed;

Notoriety, Disrepute, Disreputableness, Ill repute, Ill fame

Honour, Anonymity, Virtue


He never escaped the infamy his crimes had earned him.
Invoke Cite or appeal to someone or something as an authority for an action or in support of an argument;

Cite, refer to, Adduce, InstancClampdownto

Have recourse to; 

Crackdownlaw in order to achieve something;









Police can invoke the law to regulate access to these places.
Purgatory Having the quality of cleansing or purifying;

An extremely unpleasant experience that causes suffering;







I’ve been on a diet for two weeks now, and it’s purgatory!
Rebuke Express sharp disapproval or criticism of someone because of their behaviour or actions;

Reprimand, Reproach, Scold, Admonish, Reprove, Censure, 



Praise, Compliment, Commend


The father was forced to rebuke his son for the spendthrift ways he had adopted since arriving at college.
Regress Return to a former or less developed state;

Revert, Retrogress, Relapse, Lapse, Backslide

Progress, Improve


She suffered brain damage from the car accident and regressed to the mental age of a five-year-old.
Unedifying Distasteful, Unpleasant Edifying, Enlightening.


It is possible to write an edifying biography about an unedifying life.

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