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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster – 5 December 2019

Enhance your English Vocabulary with Oliveboard’s Daily Vocabulary Booster. This daily article on Oliveboard gives you a list of English words taken from the Editorial section of The Hindu Editorial, with their correct meanings, synonyms, antonyms and correct usage. Here you get a chance to not only enhance your English Vocabulary but will aid you immensely in your competitive exams as well if you are consistent in reading this article on a daily basis. So, read along the Daily Vocabulary 5 December 2019.

The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary 5 December 2019

Words Meanings & Synonyms Antonyms Usage
Indubitably Too evident to be doubted;

Unquestionable, Certain, Inarguable, Incontestable, Incontrovertible, Indisputable


Arguable, Contradictable, Controvertible, Debatable, Disputable

The indubitable effects of nicotinic antagonists on control responses were observed only in two of these experiments.
Presumption An idea that is taken to be true on the basis of probability;


Audacity, Brashness, Brass, Brassiness, Brazenness

Fact, Knowledge,

Reality, Calculation

The trial was unfair from the beginning because there was no presumption of innocence.
Purview The limit of someone’s responsibility, interest, or activity;

Duty, obligation and responsibility

  This case falls outside the purview of this particular court.
Quantifiable Able to be expressed or measured as a quantity;

Perceptible, Quantitative, Significant, Mensurable, Assessable, Calculable

Imperceptible, Insignificant

Indeterminable, Unmeasurable


The benefits of the new policy are not easily quantifiable.
Reaffirm State again strongly;

Confirm, Reiterated

Abandon, Disavow, Disclaim,  Disown The election reaffirmed his position as leader.

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