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How to Improve Mock Test Scores by 45% | Oliveboard

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How to Improve Mock Test Scores: Practice. Practice is the one major factor that separates the students selected from the ones who missed the target by a mere margin. Do you know that there is always a strategic way to attempt the mock test? With the different exams like banking, government, and insurance exams expected soon, a strategized approach becomes all the more important. Here we will also cover how you can effectively shape your preparations if you are targeting the upcoming government exams.

Today’s blog will provide you with some very effective tips and tricks on how a candidate can increase their average score and accuracy using Oliveboard’s AI coach. We’ll provide you with 5 effective ways in which you should attempt every banking and government exam and increase your scores with proven steps. So let’s not delay and start the article.

How to Improve Mock Test Scores by 45% with AI Coach

Mock Test Practice is the only way to improve your score and when you have a chance to improve your score directly by 45% then nothing can be best than this.

After attempting any SBI tests, you can improve your score by +16 with the help of the AI Coach feature available on our platform after every mock test.

You will get Get Experts Feedback & Strategy on Each Test from Top Faculty.

You will also get a section-wise strategy after every mock test which will help you in your score improvement.

Where will you get this feature?

It is just mentioned above in your mock tests list as shown in the image below. Click on the AI Coach and know how to improve your score by 45%.

How to Improve Mock Test Scores?

When we talk about the upcoming exams, the SBI PO is one that pulls our complete attention. SBI PO is a prime examination and lakhs of students aspire to join the elite institution. Today, we will talk about how we can attempt our mock tests so that we can maximize our scores on the tests.

Here we have discussed a few pointers on how attempting a mock test and strategically attempting the mock tests makes a difference.

Remember, these techniques are tried and tested by our experts and the toppers.

1.1 Start with a Practice Test

The process of increasing your scores starts with a mere understanding of the topics that you need to work on. Starting with a practice test will let you know your stronger areas and areas that need more focus.

Here we move ahead to the first step towards strategizing our mock attempts. For the next mock pick the questions that you are most comfortable starting with.

Start off with the strong topics and gradually move to the ones you left for later. Solve them post the test to know what would be your approach and how could you have tackled that question.

1.2 Highlight Your Strength & Polish Your Weakness

No doubts your strong points will help you stay in the line but exams are a race where reaching a destination matters the most.

Now is the time to polish your weakness. Understand what topics trouble you and how you can overcome the obstacle.

Well, what would you do to gain the concept of Understanding? Yes, you guessed it right, you will move on to the video lectures. We what if provide you with Learning & practice in one place, wouldn’t that be exciting?

1.3. Analyzing Your Tests

As important as it is to take a test, it is even more important to go through your test to better understand the mindset you adopted while taking the test, the areas that troubled you, your strength during the tests, and the ones you missed out on attempting.

Analyzing your test is usually divided into 3 parts: The questions that you have correctly attempted, wrongly attempted questions & the questions you could not attempt.

While analyzing pull every string possible, why was I not able to answer this, why did this go wrong? Once you see the solution, understand rather than just see.

Keep doing this for every question and see if you find some short trick to solve the question or a different approach that could save you some time and allow you to walk through the ones you could not attempt.

Analyzing and probing these questions will help you gain a better understanding of yourself. Sounds hectic? No problem, we have a solution, Oliveboard’s AI Analytics feature helps you give detailed analysis and answers to the questions stated above. Experience Now!

Did You Know: An internal study shows that Oliveboard users increase their marks by +16 after attempting just 9 mock tests.

Here’s a look at how consistent Practice makes you climb the stairs of your dreams.

1.4 Apply Quick-Solving Tricks

Short tricks not only make solving problems easy but also provides additional time in exams where even 1 minute of time could be a game-changer. Learn Faster solving techniques and apply them during the test to save you time and thus allow you to attempt more questions.

The below creative based on an internal study shows what amount of time could be saved if short tricks are used:

Now you must be thinking, where could you learn these game-changing tricks from? Well, we have an answer for that too!

1.5 Strategize Your Approach

Once you are through with your practice and concept building, the next important step is to strategize your attempts in the mock test to maximize your scores.

First attempt the questions you are absolutely sure of, followed by the ones that in a glance make you think I can solve it. Mark the ones you feel you should attempt and keep it for review later.

Follow the steps mentioned here and you will feel a gradual increase in your performance over time.

One major part of this section is understanding how previous year’s toppers took on the paper, and what strategy helped them crack the exam.

Well, again we have this for you in-store. When we talk about the IBPS PO exam preparations, an all-around preparation is what we all target. And how good it will be if we get to learn, practice, & strategize all in one place.

Oliveboard’s AI-based Mock Test Analysis Interface Features

Here are some of the most amazing features of Oliveboard’s AI analysis Interface.

Let us know more about these points.

Summary of the mock test attempted

Here in this section, you can find the following details.

Apart from that you can also find the following.

Time distribution of all the sections

Check your speed and accuracy Now!

Comparison with topper’s score and time taken

You can check your score and percentile in this section. Apart from this time taken by you can also be seen in the graph.

You can compare your score with the topper score here.

Complete summary of Weak Areas.

This section shows the detailed analysis of your mock test. it also shows you your weak areas and your strong areas. Apart from this, the AI interface also tells you which section you should focus more upon.

New tab for solutions

You can see the solutions to the all questions in a particular mock test. Also, you can check all the questions and whether you attempted the question right or not. You can also reattempt the question by clicking on “Reatt”, which is shown at the top of the question.

Sounds Interesting right? We have got you covered then. Oliveboard has brought to you IBPS PO Complete Course.

This online course would help you master all the 3 pillars of the exam preparations.

Let’s have a look to know more

So what are you waiting for? Start Your Prep Now!

That will be all from us in this article on how to attempt mock tests for IBPS PO? We hope that steps shared here help you gain confidence and you gradually start on improving your scores. Register Now & Start preparing for IBPS PO. Remember, the earlier you start the better prepared you are.

How to Improve Mock Test Scores: FAQs

How are Mock Tests useful?

Mock tests for most exams like the government, bank, and MBA exams are useful in becoming familiar with the question patterns and exam interface. It also helps you become familiar with the need for speed. Mock tests help understand weak areas and how to improve them.

When should I attempt Mock Tests?

It is best to start attempting mock tests early on during preparation. This way you can easily understand which areas need your focus and improvement and which don’t.