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How to Score 25+ in SBI Clerk Prelims English, Topper Tips

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How to Score 25+ in SBI Clerk Prelims English

How to Score 25+ in SBI Clerk Prelims English: The SBI Clerk Prelims exam for 2023-24 will commence soon. Candidates aspiring to join the illustrious role of SBI Clerk in this recruitment should already by preparing for the Prelims. The Prelims exam will test three subjects – Quant, Reasoning, and English. Of this, English feel intimidating to a lot of candidates. This need not be the case. The following article will provide you topper certified tips for your English section preparation that will help you score 25+ out of 30.

So How To Improve Upon Your English Preparation?

A lot of candidates find the English language difficult to grasp due to lack of practice. It is not enough to just know grammar rules or fancy words, you should know their application, their appropriate use, what they mean and in what context they may or may not work. Candidates should try and make sure that the reading they do and the rules or vocabulary they practice are well-ingrained and practised. Here’s how you can achieve this:

The author has travelled from scoring 4-5 marks to 28 marks in the English Section of SBI Clerk Prelims because he was convinced that anyone could do it. So can you.

English Language Section Of SBI Clerk Prelims

You’ll normally have 20 minutes for 30 questions in SBI Clerk Prelims. With the increased competition candidates need to attempt 28-30 questions. Doing so requires a harmonious sync of speed and accuracy. It is important to distribute the time to all the topics precisely and devise a sequence of topics you are going to attempt. Your approach to solving a Reading comprehension can be the game changer as well. Let’s have a look at the ideal time spent on different types of questions in the English section.

SectionIdeal Amount of Time Spent
Reading Comprehension5 minutes (approx.)
English Grammar4 minutes
Vocabulary4 minutes
Fillers2 minutes
Verbal Ability5 minutes

Mocks test ahead of the exam helps you figure out your ideal time spent for different topics of the English section.

Top 3 Things You Need To Know About SBI Clerk Exam

Things you should Not prepare just before SBI Prelims

  1. The Hindu Editorial – No one is going to check your vocabulary in the exam. You can argue about Antonyms and Synonyms but sadly reading editorials is not going to help in this regard.
  2. Building Vocabulary – Antonym/synonym can never be prepared before the exam as to crack that antonym/synonym question either you’ve to know all five options (which is very rare) or you have to understand the context of the paragraph (which is easy though).

We are not against editorials, but the issue lies in the way you read them. Here is a tip, “Read about every rule of grammar which is hidden between the lines, and then you’ll see the magic”.

On the other hand, creating and maintaining a separate vocabulary notebook is “reinventing the wheel”. You already have a vocabulary notebook book, and it comes printed. We call it a dictionary. If you are not a fan of printed materials, get a dictionary app.

Smart Way To Score 25+ In English of SBI Clerk Prelims

Also read :

How to Score 25+ in SBI Clerk Prelims English – FAQs

Q1. How can I boost my vocabulary for SBI Clerk Prelims English?

A1. To enhance your vocabulary, read diverse materials, note unfamiliar words, and use vocabulary-building tools regularly.

Q2. What strategies work for reading comprehension in the SBI Clerk Prelims?

A2. Skim passages for the main idea, understand the author’s viewpoint, and manage time efficiently by allocating specific durations for each question.

Q3. How do I prepare for grammar and error detection?

A3. Revise essential grammar rules, practice with exercises, and refer to standard English usage resources to reinforce your understanding.

Q4. Any quick tips for improving performance in the limited time of SBI Clerk Prelims English?

A4. Focus on time management during preparation, practice under timed conditions, identify strengths and weaknesses, and refine your strategy through regular mock tests.

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