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Money Market Topper’s Notes for JAIIB

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Money Market Topper’s Notes for JAIIB: Money Market is a topic in the JAIIB exam. This article provides notes on the various aspects of the money market. Provided by JAIIB Topper Sambita Mitra, these notes will be a valuable resource for your JAIIB Preparation.

Money Market Topper’s Notes for JAIIB: Introduction

A money market is a financial market that deals with debt instruments with a maturity of a year or less than a year that gives a fixed income. People can trade these debt instruments on the stock exchange. The participants in these markets are usually large institutional investors, high-net-worth individuals, banks, etc.

Important Features of Money Markets

Objectives of Money Markets

Importance of Money Markets in the Indian Economy

Types of Money Markets instruments in India

Money Market Topper’s Notes for JAIIB: Conclusion

The money market provides the government with non-inflationary sources of funding. Issuing treasury bills is one way to raise short-term loans. However, this does not result in price increases.

The term “money market” refers to all organizations and institutions that deal with or facilitate dealings in short-term debt instruments. Money markets began as a dull corner of the capital market where three businesses financed short-term trade and working capital many years ago. Since then, they’ve grown in size with the help of securitization and structured finance to rival the volume of credit intermediated through the banking system, taking on massive maturity mismatch, credit risk, and liquidity risk in the process. The disastrous role of money market finance in the credit cycle should prompt a reconsideration of the above permissive regulatory rulings, so that money markets do not become the financial fuel for a future disaster.

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JAIIB Handwritten Topper’s Notes by Sambita Mitra

Money Market Topper’s Notes for JAIIB: FAQs

What is a money market?

A money markets deal is a financial market that deals with debt instruments with a maturity of a year or less than a year that gives a fixed income.

What are money market instruments?

The main instruments of trade in money market deals aren’t money/cash, but other instruments like trade bills, government papers, promissory notes, etc

What are the types of money market instruments?

Treasury bills, commercial bills, certificate of deposit, commercial paper, call money, etc are types of money market instruments.