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Know the 100 basic spoken English words to make your English fluent

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100 basic spoken English words: English has become a necessity to all of us in the last few decades. The right usage of words is really important to make our English fluent and more approachable. Many people struggle to understand and speak English, which leads to low self-confidence. In this blog, we will be briefing you about the 100 basic spoken English words that will help you in making your English fluent and boost your confidence in any conversation.

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100 basic spoken English words

There are millions of words in English speaking and it is not possible to remember each word used in the English language. Although, there are few basic words, without those words we would be not able to have a conversation. So, we will be providing you with the 100 basic spoken English words that will surely boost your confidence while talking in or writing English.

The 100 basic spoken English words are as follows:


The” is a definite article. It is used to define the identity of a noun and is denoted before a noun. It is used for indicating know people, places, or things. 


It is a preposition and shows a relation between two nouns. “Of” is used to denote the parts, pieces, groups, etc., like Delhi is the capital of India. 


We can say that and is one of the most common words to connect two sentences. It links two phrases together that are the same in order.


It’s hard to even think of any sentence without “A”. It is an article used before any word starting with a consonant. Even if the vowel word is making a consonant sound, a is used before the word.


This is used before a noun, pronoun, or any singular word. It emphasizes the singular thing, people, etc.,


“You” always refers to a second person in any conversation or sentence. It is mostly used to address the second person.


“In” is used to define any activity or thing in the inside space of a particular object. This word tells us about the position of our subject or anything we are referring to in our conversation.


“To” is a preposition and a word that can be used to denote various places. You can use it “to” denote many things. 


“That” is used to refer to or indicate a place, people, or thing in a conversation. It can be also used to indicate the activity done by the subject. Like, she was doing that work.


“It” is the most commonly used pronoun and works for both the subject and object pronouns. 


“He” is used for third-person singular pronouns. It is used to refer to a boy, man, or any male creature.


“Was” is used for indicating past incidents or referring to the past. It indicates the existence of things or activities in the past. This also denotes the existence of the person in the past.


“For” refers to the reason or purpose behind a particular action. We can say that He works at the local store “for” money.


“On” is a preposition that refers to the position of the object. It is used when any object is having support from any surface beneath.


“Are” is used in place of “Is” when we talk about plural things.


In conversation, “As” is used to refer to the relationship between two events occurring together. Like, As we grow old, we become more childish.


“With” basically refers to the accompanying. When two people or things are together. Like, I have been in a relationship with him for the last five years.


“His” is a possessive pronoun used to determine the singular third person. It refers to the belongings of the man, boy, or any male animal.


“They” is used to refer to the plural pronoun. It is used mostly for multiple people, places, or things.


“I” is used when a person is referring to himself/herself. It is used when a person speaking is also doing any action or describing themselves in the conversation.


“At” is used to refer to an address. It describes the location of the conversation.


“Be” is an auxiliary verb used for the present tense or past simple tense. It has different forms in different tenses.


“This” is used to denote what we are talking about or the subject/object of our conversation.


It is a pronoun used while referring to activities done in the past.


“From” is used to tell the origin place or from where the subject/object belongs. It mostly refers to the starting place of things we are talking about.


It is a conjunction that relates or joins two opposite sentences or two different alternatives.


One is an alphabetical form of the number 1. Although, it is also used as a synonym for perfection or top-tier things.


Had is used in place of having for the past tense sentences. It is a past form of having and denotes actions that have occurred in the past.


It is commonly used with nouns to describe the medium of travel, conversation, or any activity. Like, l have sent it by post.


Word is a group of alphabets that have a meaning and can form a phrase or sentence when placed in a group.


It is a conjunction used for representing a contradiction. It shows the contrary side of any statement or phrase.


It is one of the most common words to show unacceptance towards any action or statement made in conversation. 


It is used to ask questions or as determiners. “What” is also used as an exclamatory word in an informal conversation to express the feeling of surprise or shock.


“All” refers to the quantity of the object. It represents the whole group or the whole object in accumulative.


It is used to denote the second and third person in the past tense. For example, they were going to the supermarket.


It refers to the first-person plural pronoun. “We” are used by the speakers and writers and speakers to refer to themselves as a whole or to represent a group or community.


“When” is used to indicate a definite future situation or something we are sure of. It is used to relate sentences based on future occurrences.


“Your” is always followed by a noun and refers to the second person. It refers to the belonging of the second person.


We use “Can” when we talk about the ability of the subject to perform a particular task. It can be also used to inspect the function of any object.


Said is the past tense of “say”. It refers to any statement that has existed in the past or has been used by an individual or an authority.


It refers to the specific location. It denotes the exact location of any person, thing, or place. For example, There is my car.


It refers to the state of being used of any object or subject.


It is “an” article used before any word starting with a vowel or vowel sound.


“Each” is used to differentiate individuals when we are talking about a group or community. It represents the individuality of the components of a group. 


It is an interrogative pronoun. “Which” is used while asking questions or during interrogations.


“She” refers to the girl, woman, or any female animal. It is a third-person singular pronoun and refers to the female subject of the conversation or the writing.


“Do” represents the command to complete any work or action. Although, it can also be used for the negative response and to make a question. 


“How” is also an interrogative pronoun. It is used to ask or write any questions. 


“Their” refers to the plural third person. It is used to indicate the belongings of the third person in plural form.


“If” is stated while talking about the uncertain outcome that is presumed to happen. It is mostly used in conditional sentences where we talk about a circumstance that is not definite.


“Will” refers to the strong belief in achieving something or completing any task in the future. It is also used while asking or writing questions.


Up” refers to the higher position or higher location of anything.


“Other” refers to anything that is additional or extra and is always used with an article.


It is a preposition and tells about the subject/object you are talking “about” or referring to. 


It also refers to the location of something. “Out” basically means that a subject/object is not in the dimensions of the location we are referring to.


“Many” refers to the quantity and is used to show the large amount or something that is not countable.


“Then” refers to the time or the upcoming time. It is mostly used to tell “at that time.”


It is a third-person pronoun and is used to refer to a group of people.


It is used to point to something that is nearby. “These” is used for plural things.


It is used as a conjunction to join different sentences. 


“Some” refers to the lesser quantity that cannot be counted. It does not denote a definite quantity of things but gives the idea of quantity.


It is a third-person singular pronoun. It refers to the object of any female third person. 


“Would” is the past tense form of will and refers to the things that have been done in the past.


It is used in the active voice. It refers to something you have the command to work on.


“Like” refers to something similar or something relatable. 


It is a third-person singular pronoun. “Him” refers to boys, men, or any male animal.


Into” is a preposition that refers to a position which indicates that something is inside of another object.


Time is one of the most commonly used words. In our daily conversation, we use the word “time” to describe the parts of the whole day.


It is used n the third person singular. Has is used for the present tense and used with he or she.


“Look” is used in conversation to command anyone to watch a particular thing. It is one of the most basic English words that we use in our daily life.


It is an alphabetic word for the number 2. This is written when we are using it individually to indicate 2 numbers in alphabetic words.


“More” is used to indicate the indefinite quantity of anything which is supposed to be larger. It is a comparative form of much and many.


This means forming a word or any meaningful phase through pen or pencil on paper. Write is also used as a command for writing.


Go refers to the action that will be happening and will change the position of the subject/object.


See refers to watching something or becoming aware of it by using your eyes.


“Number” is a word or symbol that indicates the quantity of something. It also represents the numerical values of mathematics.


“No” is used in the conversation to give negative comments or to negate any statement. It is often used as an answer to various forms of questions.


It is a noun and has various forms and is used for different types of statements. It can refer to the direction, method, or particular style of doing work.


It is a past tense of “can”. It refers to the ability that can be used in past activities.


People” is a word that refers to the plural form of a person. It is often used to refer to a group of individuals.


It is used to refer to the things that belong to the speaker or writer. “My” is used before both the singular and plural nouns.


“Than” is used for comparisons. It is used as both the prepositions and conjunctions in sentences.


“First” is used to indicate the beginning or to indicate the start numerically. This also refers to the starting position of the hierarchy.


You can’t spend a single day without using “water”. It is one of the most commonly used words in our daily English conversation.


It is w form of be used in the present perfect and past perfect tense.


“Call” refers to saying something loud or through any medium to gain the attention of other people.


“Who” is an interrogative form. It is used while asking or writing questions.


Oil is a word used for the liquid edible products of sunflower, olive, vegetables, or grains.  


It is commonly read as “it is” and used before the nouns without gender.


It is an adverb used to denote a time. “Now” refers to the present.


This word means to discover something that already exists or has existed in the past.


It is used to define the measurement. Long refers to a large distance or a large period.


It is used to denote the position. Down refers to anything that is at the lower place.


“Day” is considered as the period when the sky is light and the sun is visible from the earth. It is one of the most basic spoken English words because most of the work is completed during the day.


“Did” is the past tense form of the do. It is used to denote the actions done in the past.


“Get” refers to receiving or buying something.


“Come” means the action of coming closer to the first person or place referred to in the conversation.


It is a past participle tense of make. 


May is one of the months of the English year. Most of the financial year starting May.


“Part” is one of the individual components of a whole thing.

We hope this blog helped you in understanding and learn about 100 basic spoken English words. For more informative blogs like this, check out the website of Oliveboard.

Frequently asked questions 

What is the difference between when and if?

“When” is used to define the circumstance or after the event of any definite future occurrence. Whereas “if” is used for uncertain future predictions or assumptions.

What is the difference between “then” and “than”?

“Then” refers to the time or at a particular time. While “than” is used for the comparison.