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Success Story of Bijan Halder | Cleared IBPS, RRB PO & Clerk Exams

Read the success story of Bijan Halder, who had to switch his dream of UPSC to bank exams due to his financial conditions. During the lockdown, he helped his father in selling vegetables but as he was determined towards his goal, he cleared four exams within 5 months in his very first attempt.

Success Story Of Bijan Halder

Hello, my name is Bijan Halder. I am from the small city, Santipur of West Bengal. I completed my graduation in October 2020 in Mathematics. I had a dream to crack UPSC. But looking into the financial condition of my family I had to change my decision. My father is a weaver. During the lockdown, he lost his work and started selling vegetables in the local market. I used to help him in selling vegetables. However, after my graduation, within 5 months I cleared 4 exams in my very first attempt. 

I miss the final list of SBI PO. Scored 95.95 in mains. Failed because of Interview (got only 20). Yet, It’s not less than a great achievement for me at the age of 22.

I started my preparation with a strong determination. I was not so good at that time but I strongly believed that I had the ability to clear those exams. I started searching strategy videos on youtube and I found some common things in them: 

1. Determination + Hard Work 2. Speed + Accuracy 3. Practice 4. Self-confidence

Section wise Preparation Strategy of Bijan


Reasoning is one of my favourite subjects. I always loved to solve problems of General Intelligence. But for Bank exams, there are many more to do in this section. A major 60% of the Reasoning section contains puzzles. I started watching a few videos from Youtube. I cleared my basic idea there and then moved on to mock tests of Oliveboard. I purchased Oliveboard BANKING ELITE for 8 months. I solved all the puzzles of pre mock tests. The solution they provided helps me a lot. For other miscellaneous topics, I searched them topic-wise on YouTube. Cleared my basic idea and then practiced a lot from mock tests. Mock tests are the real game-changer in bank exams. It helps me to increase my speed and accuracy. The reasoning section is all about practice. Practice will make you perfect here. 

Quantitative Aptitude

I was good at math. But it is not enough here. There are 35 questions to solve in 20 min. So speed is the most vital thing here. I watched a basic calculation video from Youtube and cleared my basic idea from the same. Then practiced a lot from mock tests. Oliveboard mock tests are really good here. The level of questions is really commendable. 


English section is all about reading habits. Being a Bengali medium student, this section was a nightmare to me at the beginning. But gradually I developed my confidence and performed well. Besides reading, I read SP Bakshi and Neetu Singh. According to me, Neetu Singh is best for grammar and SP Bakshi is for vocabulary. I practiced a lot from the mock test. The solutions of mock tests are very helpful. 


Computer knowledge is only for RRB exams. As I had very little time in my hands so I submitted all the main mock tests of RRB PO & Clerk at Oliveboard and studied all the computer questions and answers. 

Current affairs

As my SBI PO pre ended on 5th January, I had only 24 days to prepare for mains. I relied on various sources for CA. I attempted Monthly quizzes of Current affairs in the Oliveboard app. Those quizzes helped me a lot.

Thank you Oliveboard for providing such standard questions. ? 

Role of Oliveboard in Bijan’s Success

Nowadays, mock tests play a vital role in our preparation. Mock tests make us familiar with all different types of questions. We need to practice new types of questions to tackle a new question in the exam. Oliveboard is very popular in providing us new types of questions. 

Thanks to all Oliveboard faculty members who are working day and night to secure our future.

Bijan’s Tips to Aspirants

Mock test practice + proper analysis is the key to success. Practice a lot guys. There is no shortcut. You will have to work hard. Hard work is the way to success. All the best. Thank you..!

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