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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 April 2019

Vocabulary based questions are often asked in all Banking and Government Exams. So we at Oliveboard will be providing you with a daily dose of vocabulary to help you with overcoming your struggle in this section. You need to go through it daily to see a marked improvement in your English vocabulary. We hope it will help you in the upcoming SBI PO, RRB JENIACL AO, FCI, CWC, LIC AAO, SSC, NTPC exams as well. The words in the Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 April 2019 are taken directly from the editorial of the Hindu Newspaper.

Read in Hindi: द हिन्दू दैनिक शब्दावली बूस्टर 18 अप्रैल 2019

The Hindu Newspaper is considered the Bible by the various exam aspirants as it has the best unbiased views on various current news and happenings in the world. Also, it helps immensely if you are looking for daily dose of English reading and building your English vocabulary. So, we at Oliveboard present to all our viewers and Exam aspirants a daily dose of difficult words with their meanings, synonyms and the correct usage in this blog of the Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 April 2019.

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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 April 2019

Words Meanings & Synonyms Usage
Brazenly In a bold and shameless way Youngsters these days brazenly defy the law.
Censure Express severe disapproval of someone or something, especially in a formal statement;

Condemn, Criticize, Castigate, Chastise

The company was heavily censured by inspectors from the Department of Trade.
Congregate Gather into a crowd or mass;

Assemble, Gather, Collect

Some 4,000 demonstrators had congregated at a border point.
Dissemination The action or fact of spreading something, especially information, widely;

Spreading, Circulation, Distribution, Dispersal, Diffusion

It was my job to disseminate research findings about colorectal cancer.
Divisive Tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people;

Alienating, Estranging, Isolating, Schismatic

The Vietnam war was an extremely divisive issue in the US.
Flurry A sudden short period of activity or excitement;

Burst, Outbreak;

A number of things arriving or happening suddenly and during the same period;

Spate, Wave, Flood, Deluge, Torrent,

The newspaper published a flurry of editorials hostile to the government.
Impartiality Equal treatment of all rivals or disputants;


Entries to the competition had to be submitted under a pseudonym to ensure impartiality in the judging process.
Parity The state or condition of being equal, especially as regards status or pay;

Equality, Equivalence, Uniformity, Sameness, Consistency, Correspondence

Parity of incomes need to be ensured between rural workers and those in industrial occupations.
Quadrennial Recurring every four years The U.S. presidential election is a quadrennial event.
Redeem Gain or regain possession of something in exchange for payment;

Retrieve, Regain, Recover

Work is the way that people seek to redeem their lives from futility.
Transgression An act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence;

Offence, Crime, Sin, Wrong, Wrongdoing

When the banker stole funds from the vault, he made a huge transgression.
Unfailingly In a reliable or unchanging way; Always Individuals who unfailingly obey his orders will be promoted.

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For more The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster Click Here.

So, this was from us in this article of The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 April 2019. Go through The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 April 2019 very thoroughly and you will see marked improvement in your vocabulary. We suppose The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 April 2019 has helped you in learning new words for today and added to your vocabulary.

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