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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 March 2019

Vocabulary based questions are often asked in all Banking and Government Exams. So we at Oliveboard will be providing you with a daily dose of vocabulary to help you with overcoming your struggle in this section. You need to go through it daily to see a marked improvement in your English vocabulary. We hope it will help you in the upcoming SBI PO, RRB JENIACL AO, FCI, CWC, LIC AAO, SSC exams as well. The words in the Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 March 2019 are taken directly from the editorial of the Hindu Newspaper.

The Hindu Newspaper is considered the Bible by the various exam aspirants as it has the best unbiased views on various current news and happenings in the world. Also, it helps immensely if you are looking for daily dose of English reading and building your English vocabulary. So, we at Oliveboard present to all our viewers and Exam aspirants a daily dose of difficult words with their meanings, synonyms and the correct usage in this blog of the Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 March 2019.

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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 March 2019

Words Meanings & Synonyms Usage
Accountability Responsibility, Liability, Answerability Lack of accountability has corroded public respect for business and political leaders.
Creaking Making a harsh, high-pitched sound;

Showing weakness or frailty under strain

They have to rely on a creaking transport system.
Cult A relatively small group of people

having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members;

Sect, Religious group, Denomination;

A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular thing

The series has become a bit of a cult in the UK.
Evident Clearly seen or understood; obvious;

Obvious, Apparent, Noticeable,

Conspicuous, Perceptible

She ate the biscuits with evident enjoyment.
Far-reaching Having important and widely

applicable effects or implications;

Extensive, Wide-ranging, Radical, Profound

A series of far-reaching political reforms is the need of the hour.
Fringe The outer, marginal, or extreme

part of an area, group, or sphere of activity;

Unconventional, Unorthodox,

Offbeat, Alternative

There is some industry on the fringes of the city.
Ideology A system of ideas and ideals,

especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy;

Beliefs, Ideas, Ideals, Principles, Doctrine

He grasps the ideology of business strategies and knows how to plan and execute them very successfully.
Immigrant The action of coming to live

permanently in a foreign country

US has but a barrier to control illegal immigration from Mexico.
Intervention The action or process of intervening;

Involvement, Intercession, Interceding

The government was reported to be considering military intervention in the Naxalite area.
Irony A state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one

expects and is often wryly amusing as a result;


The irony is that I thought he could help me
Massacre An indiscriminate and brutal slaughter

of many people;


There were reports of massacres by government troops.
Mollify Appease the anger or anxiety of someone;

Appease, Placate, Pacify, Conciliate

Nature reserves were set up around the power stations to mollify local conservationists.
Prioritise Designate or treat something as being very or most important The department has failed to prioritise safety within the oil industry.
Prolong Extend the duration of;

Lengthen, make longer, Extend

This was the idea which prolonged the life of the engine by many years.
Rickety Shaky, Unsteady, Unsound, Unsafe We went carefully up the rickety stairs.
Stampede A sudden rapid movement or reaction

of a mass of people in response to a particular circumstance or stimulus;

Charge, Panic, Rush

The herd was fleeing back to the highland in a wild stampede.
Supremacist An advocate of the supremacy of a

particular group, especially one determined by race or sex;

He and his group people are white supremacists.
Synagogue A building in which Jews meet for religious worship or instruction The child Jesus did not receive instruction in the synagogue schools.
Underscore Underline something;


She underscored the importance of using please while writing mails to the senior authority.

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For more The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster Click Here.

So, this was from us in this article of The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 March 2019. Go through The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 March 2019 very thoroughly and you will see marked improvement in your vocabulary. We suppose The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 March 2019 has helped you in learning new words for today and added to your vocabulary.

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