SBI PO - Crash Course 2021
- Use the code SELECT to get special 40% Launch Discount.
- Learn Faster and Improve your score with Oliveboard's SBI PO Crash Course.
- At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- ✓ a. Solve questions faster by upto 35%
- ✓ b. Improve scores in your exam by to 19 marks
- ✓ c. Come up with the ideal exam preparation stratergy
- ✓ d. Improve your accuracy by upto 61%
- Course
- SBI PO 2021 Complete Coverage
- 100+ Live Classes For Learning & Concept Building
- 10+ Live Practice Sessions
- Live classes with faculty members who have cleared Bank PO / Clerk and other competitive exams.
- Live class notes in PDF format for easy learning and quick revision
- System based Real exams like Objective & Mock Tests
- Special Focus on Arithmetic, Word Problems, DI, etc.
- Tricks to Solve Critical Puzzle
- Live Coverage of Entire English Section
- Tests
- 20 SBI PO Prelims Tests, 10 SBI PO Mains Tests
- Topic Tests + Sectional[Pre and Mains] Tests + GK Tests
- High Level Reasoning + High Level DI + English Tests
- Validity: End of SBI PO Mains Exam
- Use the code SELECT to get special 40% Launch Discount.
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SBI PO Mains Advanced Course
- Use the code SELECT to get special launch discount of 40%.
- Course
- 100+ Live Classes For High-level learning
- 10+ Live Practice Sessions
- Live classes with faculty members who have cleared Bank PO / Clerk and other competitive exams.
- Live class notes in PDF format for easy learning and quick revision
- System Based Real-Time Mock Test Interface
- Special Focus on Arithmetic, Word Problems, DI, DS, etc.
- Tricks to Solve Critical Puzzle
- Special Current Affairs Classes for Last 6 Months
- Live Coverage of Entire English Section
- Tests
- SBI PO Prelims 20 Tests + 10 Tests for Mains
- High-Level DI [10 Tests]
- High-Level Reasoning [10 Tests]
- New Pattern English [15 Tests]
- Validity: End of SBI PO Mains Exam
- Use the code SELECT to get special launch discount of 40%.
- Have a coupon code?
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Shortcuts, Formulas & Tips
1) What is Oliveboard?
Oliveboard is an exam preparation platform that provides you unlimited practice options, online tests along with conceptual content.
2) Why should I practice on Oliveboard?
Oliveboard provides important and insightful information on your performance that helps you improve your speed, accuracy & overall efficiency. Not just that, Oliveboard identifies your weak areas and provides you more personalized practice on those topics
3) Does the course cover the entire syllabus?
Yes. The course covers all the topics for the exam.
4) How do I access the course?
Once you sign up, you can access some of the free trial tests and concepts on the site. Beyond that, a purchase is needed to access the entire course.
5) How do I pay for the course?
You can pay online using Credit Card/Debit Card/Netbanking. If you cannot pay online, you can deposit cash at a nearby SBI/ICICI Bank as well.
6) When will the course get activated?
If you make an online payment, you get access to the entire course immediately. For offline deposits, we upgrade your account within 24 hours of receiving the transaction details from you.
7) What if I do not like the course?
We provide a 5-Day Money Bank Guarantee (but we do not think you will need it) in case you are unhappy with anything.
8)How long is the course valid?
Until End of Exam