SAIL Interview Date 2023 Out for Nurse and Radiographer

SAIL Interview Date 2023

The official website of Steel Authority of India (SAIL) Rourkela has announced the release of the certificate verification and interview schedule for the selection of Trainees for Nurse and Radiographer positions.

The certificate verification and interview process will be conducted on May 24, 2023. Candidates who have successfully qualified for this round can access the comprehensive schedule for certificate verification and interview by visiting SAIL’s official website at The detailed information can be downloaded from the website.

SAIL Interview Date 2023 – Overview

Organization NameSteel Authority of India (SAIL)
Post NameNurse and Radiographer
Interview DateMay 24, 2023
CategoryInterview Date

SAIL Interview 2023 – Download Link

Candidates can directly download the SAIL interview certification verification and interview schedule from the given link below.

Download PDF

How to Check Certificate Verification and Interview Schedule

To access the certificate verification and interview schedule for the selection of trainees for different training programs at IGH on the official website of SAIL (, follow these steps:

  1. Open your web browser and go to the official website of SAIL, which is
  2. On the homepage, locate and click on the link titled “Certificate Verification and Interview Schedule for Selection of Trainees for Different Training Programs at IGH.”
  3. A new window will open, displaying the PDF of the certificate verification and interview schedule.
  4. Download the PDF by clicking on the download icon or by using the download option provided. Save the file on your device for future reference.

By following these steps, you will be able to access and save the certificate verification and interview schedule from the official website of SAIL.

SAIL Interview Date 2023 – FAQs

Q1. What is the interview date of SAIL?

Ans. 24th may 2023 is the interview date.

Q2. Can i download the interview schedule PDF?

Ans. Yes, candidates can click on the direct link given in this article to download the interview schedule pdf.


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