AFCAT Admit Card 2023, Direct Link to Download

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AFCAT Admit Card 2023

AFCAT Admit Card 2023 – The Indian Air Force (IAF) will be conducting the AFCAT 2 exam on 25th, 26th, and 27th August 2023. The admit cards for AFCAT 2023 is expected to be released on August 2023. Candidates can download their AFCAT Admit Card 2023 from the official website To download the admit card, candidates can use either their registration ID or roll number. The article provides a direct link to download the AFCAT Admit Card. The link will be activated once the admit card is released on the official website.

AFCAT Admit Card 2023 – Overview

The Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT 2023) is conducted by the Indian Air Force in an online mode with three stages – a written test, AFSB, and DV. The written test will take place on 25th, 26th, and 27th August 2023, and the admit card will be released in August 2023 on the official website

Name of ExamAir Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT 2023)
Conducting BodyIndian Air Force
AFCAT Mode of ExamOnline (CBT)
AFCAT Exam Rounds3 Stages (Written + AFSB + DV)
AFCAT 2 2023 Exam DatesWritten Test: 25th, 26th, & 27th August 2023
AFCAT 2 2023 Admit Card DateAugust 2023
Expected Candidates2 lakhs approx.
CategoryAdmit Card
AFCAT Official
Join GroupTelegram Group

AFCAT Admit Card 2023 – Direct Link to Download

The Indian Air Force releases the AFCAT Admit Card on its official website To download the admit card, candidates need to have successfully submitted the application form and paid the examination fee. They can use their registered email and password to access and download the admit card. Here’s the direct link to download it.

AFCAT Admit Card 2023 – Steps to Download

Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to download the AFCAT Admit Card:

  1. Open your web browser and visit the official website of the AFCAT examination.
  2. Look for the “Candidate Login” drop-down menu on the website’s homepage and click on it.
  3. From the options in the drop-down menu, select “AFCAT 02/2023.”
  4. You will be redirected to the login page. Here, enter the email address you used during the registration process in the designated field.
  5. Next, enter the password that you created during registration.
  6. After entering your email and password, double-check to ensure they are correct, and then click on the “Login” button.
  7. If your credentials are valid, you will be taken to your AFCAT 02/2023 account dashboard.
  8. Look for the option to download the AFCAT Hall Ticket or Admit Card. It is usually displayed prominently on the dashboard.
  9. Click on the download link to save the AFCAT Hall Ticket to your device.
  10. Once the Hall Ticket is downloaded, open the file and take a printout of it. Make sure the printout is clear and all the details are legible.

AFCAT Admit Card 2023 – Details Mentioned

After downloading the AFCAT 2 2023 Admit Card, print it out. Check if all the information on the Admit Card is correct. Ensure that the following details are mentioned on your Admit Card:

  • Candidate Roll Number
  • Application Number
  • Name
  • Father’s Name
  • Photograph
  • Signature
  • Test Center
  • Category (Gen/OBC/SC/ST)
  • Date and Time of the exam
  • Reporting Time
  • Important Documents required
  • Instructions for the exam

Make sure to carry all the necessary documents mentioned on the Admit Card when you go for the exam.

AFCAT Admit Card 2023 – Documents to Carry

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide for the documents and items candidates need to bring to the AFCAT 2 2023 examination center:

  1. Admit Card for AFCAT 02/2023: Make sure to download and print the admit card you received.
  2. Candidate’s Aadhaar Card: Bring your Aadhaar Card as a proof of identification.
  3. Another Valid Photo Identity Card: Carry any other valid photo ID like PAN card, passport, driving license, voter ID, college ID, or any official identity proof with your name, father’s name, and date of birth.
  4. Two Passport-Size Color Photographs: Bring two recent passport-size color photographs, similar to the one you uploaded during the online application.
  5. Ballpoint Pen (Blue or Black): Take a blue or black ballpoint pen to sign on the attendance sheet and for any rough work during the exam.

Remember to have all these items with you when you go to the examination center for AFCAT 2 2023.

AFCAT Admit Card 2023 – Frequently Asked Question

Q1. Has the AFCAT 2 Admit Card 2023 been released?

Answer: No, The AFCAT 2 2023 Admit Card has not been released yet.

Q2. When is the AFCAT 2 2023 exam scheduled?

Ans. The AFCAT 2 2023 exam is scheduled to be conducted on 25th, 26th, and 27th August 2023.

Q3. How can I download the AFCAT Admit Card?

Answer: You can download the AFCAT Admit Card by using the direct link that will be provided in the article above. The link will be activated once the admit card is released on the official website.


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