ESIC MTS 2022 Preparation Strategy | Guidelines for Written Exam

Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) holds an annual recruiting exam for ESIC UDC, MTS, and Stenographer positions. New Delhi’s Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has issued a notification for MTS recruitment in December 2021. The complete ESIC MTS 2022 recruiting procedure, including vacancies, exam patterns, and application forms is available below. ESIC MTS Preparation Strategy has been discussed below.

ESIC MTS 2022 Exam Pattern

There are two stages of written tests in the selection process for ESIC MTS positions. Applicants who pay the application fee and have submitted their applications on time will be allowed to take the written tests. 

  • Phase – I Preliminary Examination
  • Phase – II Main Examination

Phase I – Preliminary Examination (Qualifying in Nature)

SectionsNo. of Qs.Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning2550
General Awareness2550
Quantitative Aptitude2550
English Comprehension2550

Note: Exam Duration – 60 minutes

Phase II – Main Examination

SectionsNo. of Qs.Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning5050
General Awareness5050
Quantitative Aptitude5050
English Comprehension5050

Note: Exam Duration – 120 minutes

ESIC MTS 2022 Preparation Strategy

Preparation Strategy for English Comprehension

Focus on your reading and comprehension skills to ace the English section. To begin, make reading a habit. This will benefit you in a number of ways: it will increase your reading speed and comprehension, as well as greatly expand your vocabulary. You will also become accustomed to grammar and sentence patterns. The editorial sections of newspapers such as The Hindu, The Economist, The Indian Express, and others can be read.

Second, in order to ace the English section, you must master grammar and vocabulary. Make it a habit to learn new words, their definitions, and how to use them in phrases. When tackling questions based on topics such as error spotting, fill in the blanks, cloze tests, and so on, grammar comes in helpful. As a result, if you want to do well in the English section, you must properly review the grammar rules.

Preparation Strategy for Quantitative Aptitude

You should be familiar with concepts such as percentages and averages, time and work, profit and loss, and so on. You’ll need a fast calculating speed to attempt a reasonable amount of questions. You must learn multiplication tables up to 30 as well as natural numbers Squares and Cubes. To increase your calculation speed, practice topics like simplification, quadratic equations, and number series. Data Interpretation is another important part of the Quantitative Aptitude portion. As the name implies, you’ll have to evaluate data (in the form of tables, graphs, pie charts, or texts) and respond to questions as prompted. To gain expertise in this part, start with the fundamentals and work your way up to high-level DI.

Preparation Strategy for Reasoning Ability

Reasoning ability encompasses a wide range of issues, including syllogisms, blood relationships, coding-decoding, and arrangement-based reasoning. Make sure you understand the fundamental concepts of these subjects before moving on to devising strategies and shortcuts for specific question types. As many questions as possible should be practiced. Once you’re familiar with the fundamental ideas, go on to timed practice. To ace the part, gradually increase the difficulty level of the questions you attempt.

Additional Points to Keep in Mind While ESIC MTS Preparation

  • Keep up with the latest GK by reading newspapers on a regular basis. You can also download BOLT, our free monthly GK magazine, which covers detailed monthly current events.
  • We’ve also created topic exams and full-length mock tests to help you with your preparation.
  • You should also download our Ebooks, which are professionally curated by specialists and cover a variety of topics.
  • Finally, past year question papers should be studied to familiarise yourself with the exam’s level and pattern.

When planning your study schedule for ESIC MTS 2022, keep the points mentioned above in mind. You must practice your weaker areas diligently and frequently in order to improve them. Stay tuned to Oliveboard for more information about the ESIC MTS exam, including study plans and study materials.


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