SIDBI Grade A 2022 Topper Dayyala Krishna’s Exclusive Interview, Know Her Strategy

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SIDBI Grade A 2022 Topper Dayyala Krishna – Introduction

Dayyala Krishna is from Hyderabad who have cleared the SIDBI Grade A 2022 Exam in her first attempt. She has done B.Tech in ECE. Right now, she is working as a Deputy Manager in State Bank of India (SBI). Let’s dive in SIDBI Grade A 2022 Topper Dayyala Krishna’s Exclusive Interview.

SIDBI Grade A 2022 Topper Dayyala Krishna – Q&A

Check out the Q&A session with SIDBI Grade A 2022 Topper Dayyala Krishna below:

Q1. What is the motivation that brought you towards SIDBI Grade A Exam?

Answer: I was working in a Public Sector Bank (SBI), and just like everyone else, I was also aspiring to go in regulatory body sector. While I was looking for the opportunities, SIDBI Notification came and it came after 2016, so I thought of grabbing the opportunity. Also, the syllabus is quite similar to bank exams, so I thought it is doable.

Q2. Since exam has various stages, so how did you split the time of preparation?

Answer: Since I am a 2018 Aspirant, so there was a huge gap in my studies. So first, I tried to solve every topic from the books and then I started giving mock tests. My preference is always Oliveboard’s Mock Test as their mock tests are highly competitive & tough.

Q3. Have you given any exam before that had descriptive exam as well?

Answer: Yes, last year I gave RBI Grade B but couldn’t clear mains. I wasn’t much prepared for descriptive exam.

Q4. Were you able to do the descriptive part or you left something?

Answer: It was doable. If you have bit of time, then it is simple as the word limit is just 250 words. Also the topics asked were general and were complimented with several important govt schemes & statistics. We must be aware of the grammar, punctuations and spellings and also for content point of view, try to add statistics. As per me, statistics catch the attention.

Q5. The most fearful part of any exam is facing somebody which is Interview. How did you prepare for that?

Answer: For Interviews, I joined the Oliveboard’s Interview Batch. In real interview, the interview panel was mostly from SBI so they stressed on Why SIDBI & it was difficult for me to make them understand. There were lot of cross questioning but because of Oliveboard, I was able to handle things well. I was prepared with the SIDBI, SBI & Other related reports, schemes, etc. Everything was very good & I followed everything meticulously.

Q6. How did Oliveboard’s Mock Interview helped you in preparation?

Answer: The Oliveboard’s interview panel warned me on this point and gave me a signal that you will be grilled in the actual interview on the part of why do you want to leave SBI & that too from the post of Deputy Manager. So, this feedback helped me a lot to handle the real situation. Other than that, the technical questions, schemes, reports etc helped me a lot. It was actually a very nice feedback session & I wasn’t much confident but the interview helped me a lot. I sincerely advice everybody if you are going to appear in the Interview, then you must definitely go for the Mock Interviews.

Q7. Since you are already working, how did you manage time for your preparation?

Answer: I took a long leave of 1-2 months because last year, when I appeared in RBI Grade B, I was not able to focus on my preparation so I thought of taking leave & give my complete time & dedication to preparation. I was in loans department so I have been working on weekends as well.

Q8. From where do you find that kind of motivation that you were ready to take risk of leaving job or taking long leaves?

Answer: I am very lucky to have a supportive family and I was prepared even if I couldn’t clear any of the regulatory bodies exam this year, I will try my best for the next year because I wanted to choose a path for myself.

Q9. What exactly you want to give advice to the future aspirants?

Answer: First, one must be clear with the basics and then practicing mocks is the key. Practicing for descriptive is also a must. We need to have at least 10 points ready that can be used in any descriptive answer and the answers must be solution oriented. Mock Interviews plays a major role. Apart from this, believe in yourself because we underperform when we are nervous. One must keep on practicing mock tests & compare our preparation.

Dayyala Krishna said, “Even if the seats are just 100, we only need 1 seat so we must keep on analyzing our patterns & go on”.

Q10. How much information one must put on in any descriptive answer?

Answer: I mostly avoided sentences that are common and will be given by every aspirant. I try to provide those points which appears different. Also, my focus was on statistics & solutions.

Q11. For Freshers, what is your advice for interviews?

Answer: Be prepared with your educational background. They will ask when you are an engineer then why do you want to come to banking. They will also ask you why SIDBI & you need to be practical. One must know about SIDBI very well. She said, Do not give up till the end and they may be harsh with you but you need to support your answers confidently.

“Be Patient & Come Out without Regret”.

Download SIDBI Grade A Previous Year Interview Questions Ebook

SIDBI Grade A Interview – Mock Interviews

In this course, you will get a one on one interview with retired SIDBI Officials who have many years of experience and have also been a part of the Interview panels previously.

Below are the details/highlights that you will get in SIDBI Grade A Interview Course:

  • Two Mock Interviews with Detailed Feedback from the Interviewer
  • First Mock Interview round with OB Interview Expert & Second Mock Interview with Ex-SIDBI Interview Panel Member
  • One Group Discussion Session with detailed feedback from Expert
  • 10+ Sessions for All-Round Interview Preparation
  • Special Session by Ex-SIDBI Interview Panel Member
  • Special Video Sessions For Personality Development
  • Separate Telegram Group for the daily assignment and doubt clearing
  • Personalized Feedback after Mock Interview based on the candidate’s profile
  • Learn from India’s Best Team for SIDBI Grade A Interview Preparation

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NABARD Grade A NotificationIRDAI Assistant Manager Notification
SEBI Grade A NotificationIFSCA Grade A Notification
RBI Grade B Notification


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