SSC CHSL Study Plan For SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam In 60 Days

SSC CHSL Study Plan

The SSC CHSL 2025 Application Registration Process will be starting from27th May 2025 and candidates who will be applying for the examination must start their preparation now with a proper SSC CHSL Study Plan, for the Tier 1 examination, which is scheduled to be held between July to August 2025.

The syllabus for the SSC CHSL examination is quite vast, so candidates should strategize their preparation with a day-to-day schedule to crack the SSC CHSL 2025 examination. In this blog, we will be discussing the SSC CHSL Study Plan, Tier 1 Exam Pattern, Syllabus, and Last Week Tips to crack the SSC CHSL 2025 Examination within 60 days.

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam – Important Dates

The expected important dates for SSC CHSL 2025, based on last year’s notification, are as follows:

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SSC CHSL Notification27th May 2025 (Tuesday)
SSC CHSL Apply Starting Date27th May 2025 (Tuesday)
Last Date to Apply25th June 2025 (Wednesday)
Last Date to Pay Fees26th June 2025 (Thursday)
Application Form CorrectionJuly 2025 (Expected)
SSC CHSL 2025 Tier-1 Exam DateJuly to August 2025

SSC CHSL Study Plan – For Each Day

To meet the cut-off marks and score more in your SSC CHSL Exam, you must set some daily targets. Candidates can follow this SSC CHSL 60-Day Study Schedule which includes all topics from all sections and practice mock tests that will help you in cracking SSC CHSL 2025.

DayTopics to Study
Day 1Semantic Analogy, Medieval India, Basic Grammar Rules
Day 2Spot the Error, Gupta Empire, Chola Dynasty, Reading Comprehension
Day 3Fill in the Blanks, Symbolic operations, Whole Numbers,
Day 4Questions on Semantic Series, Numbers and Fractions, Vijayanagar Empire, Tughlaq Dynasty
Day 5Cloze Test, Number Analogy, Relationship between numbers.
Day 6Revise all the studied topics in 1st week plus Weekly current affairs
Day 7Practice Free Mock Test 1
Day 8Percentages, Figural Analogy, Synonyms
Day 9Mughal Empire, Maratha Empire, Books, and Authors, Cloze Test
Day 10Basic Concepts in Geography, Space Orientation Questions, Antonyms
Day 11Misspelled words, Physiography of India, States of India, Venn Diagram
Day 12Revise all the studied topics in 2nd week plus Weekly current affairs
Day 13Practice Mock Test 2
Day 14Major Crops of India, Climate and Soil Types of India, Profit and Loss, Direction Sense
Day 15Lakes and Rivers of India, Major Passes of India, Cloze Test, Simple and Compound Interest
Day 16Mixture and Alligations, Seating Arrangement, Para Jumbles, Types of Vitamins
Day 17 Seating Arrangement, Spot the error, Periodic Table, Surds and Indices
Day 18 Reading Comprehension, Time and Distance, Seating Arrangement, Weekly current affairs
Day 19 Practice Mock Tests 3 and 4
Day 20 Weekly Current Affairs, Major Ports in India, Problem on Trains, Height and Distance, Misspelt Words
Day 21 Coded Inequalities, Mensuration, One Word Substitution, Economic Policies
Day 22 Syllogism, Ratio & Proportion, Active/Passive Voice, Economic Policies
Day 23 Reading Comprehension, Blood Relations, Number Systems, Paragraph Completion
Day 24  Units & Dimensions, Spot the error, Percentage, Coding-Decoding, Weekly current affairs
Day 25 Practice Mock Tests 5 and 6
Day 26 Blood Relations, Sequence & Series, Work, Energy, and Power, Matter and its state
Day 27 Reading Comprehension, Data Sufficiency, Oxidation and Reduction, Gravitation
Day 28 Work & Time, Logical Reasoning, Para jumbles, Sports in India
Day 29 Input-Output, Time & Distance, Fill in the Blanks, Cloze Test
Day 30 Coding-Decoding, One Word Substitution,  Monthly current affairs, Reading Comprehension, Trigonometry
Day 31 Practice Mock Tests 7 and 8
Day 32 Coded Inequalities, Spot the error, Data Interpretation, Awards and Honors
Day 33Data Sufficiency, Profit & Loss, Paragraph Completion, Heat & Thermodynamics 
Day 34 Scientific Instruments, Ratio & Proportion, Para jumbles
Day 35 Behaviour of Gases, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Syllogism
Day 36 Seating Arrangement, Para jumbles, Permutation, Combination & Probability, Weekly Current Affairs
Day 37 Practice Mock Test 9 and 10
Day 38 Tabulation, Human Diseases, Chemical Reactions, Simplification
Day 39 Cloze Test, List of important Drugs and Chemicals, Classification of Animal Kingdom, Economic Policies, Trigonometric Ratios
Day 40 Revise all the studied topics, Weekly current affairs
Day 41 Seating Arrangement, Spot the error, Periodic Table, Surds and Indices
Day 42 Input-Output, Height, and Distance, Fill in the blanks, Cloze Test,
Day 43 Practice Mock Tests 11 and 12
Day 44  Input-Output, Time & Distance, Fill in the Blanks, Cloze Test
Day 45 
Sequence & Series, Culture, Civilization, Year based puzzle, Synonym, Antonyms
Day 46 Blood Relations, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Profit & Loss,
Para jumbles
Day 47 Fill in the blanks, Alphanumeric Series, Data Interpretation, Active/Passive Voice
Day 48 Revise all the studied topics, Weekly current affairs
Day 49 Practice Mock Tests 13 and 14
Day 50 Composition of Blood, Metals and non-metals, Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
Day 51 Cloze Test, List of important Drugs and Chemicals, Classification of Animal Kingdom, Economic Policies, Trigonometric Ratios
Day 52 Mixture and Alligations, Seating Arrangement, Para Jumbles, Types of Vitamins
Day 53 Coded Inequalities, Spot the error, Data Interpretation, Awards and Honors
Day 54 Tabulation, Human Diseases, Chemical Reactions, Reading Comprehension
Day 55 Practice Mock Tests 15 and 16
Day 56 Practice Mock Tests 17,18,19
Day 57  Practice Mock Tests 20,21,22
Day 58  Practice Mock Tests 23,24,25
Day 59  Practice Mock Tests 26,27,28
Day 60 Practice Mock Test 29,30

SSC CHSL Study Plan – Tier 1 Exam Pattern

SSC CHSL Tier I is a computer-based exam conducted online. Candidates are given a total of 60 minutes to solve an SSC CHSL Tier I paper comprising 100 questions for a total of 200 marks i.e. (2 marks for each question). For each wrong attempt, candidates will be penalized with 1/2 mark i.e. 0.50 marks. The pattern is summarised below.

SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
General Intelligence Reasoning2550
General Awareness2550
Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skills)2550
English Comprehension2550

SSC CHSL Minimum Qualifying Marks

The SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level) Examination is a crucial step for candidates aspiring to secure positions through the CHSL Examination. Understanding the minimum qualifying marks is essential for effective preparation and performance evaluation.

CategoryMinimum Qualifying Marks
UR (Unreserved)30%
All other categories20%

SSC CHSL Study Plan – Best Books

By following the above-mentioned study plan and using these recommended books, you can effectively prepare for the SSC CHSL exam and increase your chances of success in the SSC CHSL Exam 2025.

SubjectBook NameAuthor(s)
General Intelligence“A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning”Dr. R.S Aggarwal
“Analytical Reasoning”M.K. Pandey
“A New Approach to Reasoning – Verbal, Non-Verbal & Analytical”BS Sijwali, Indu Sijwali
Quantitative Aptitude“NCERT Mathematics from Class 6th-11th”NCERT
“Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations”Dr. R.S Aggarwal
“Magical Book on Quicker Maths”M Tyra
“Fast Track”Rajesh Verma
English Language & Comprehension“Objective General English”S.P Bakshi
“Word Power Made Easy”Norman Lewis
“High School English Grammar and Composition”P.C. Wren, H. Martin
General AwarenessMonthly Magazine (Pratiyogita Darpan or Competition Success Review)
“Current Affairs”
“Manorama Yearbook 2025”
“Lucent’s General Knowledge”

SSC CHSL Study Plan – Last Week Preparation Tips

Given below are the seven important tips for the last week of SSC CHSL 2025 preparation:

  1. Revision of Last Week’s Topics:
    • Ensure all topics covered in the past week are thoroughly revised, leaving only revision pending.
    • Focus more on the important topics to strengthen understanding.
  2. SSC CHSL Mock Test Analysis:
    • Analyze performance in mock tests to identify strengths and weaknesses.
    • Use insights gained to prioritize areas needing improvement.
  3. Regular Attempt of SSC CHSL Mock Tests & Previous Year Papers:
    • Regularly attempt mock tests and solve previous year papers to enhance speed and accuracy.
    • Practice consistently to build confidence and familiarity with exam patterns.
  4. Daily Newspaper Reading & Current Affairs:
    • Stay updated with current events by reading newspapers daily.
    • Focus on important news topics relevant to the SSC CHSL exam.
  5. Revision of Important Formulas and Tricks:
    • Review essential formulas and problem-solving techniques, particularly for logical reasoning and mathematics sections.
    • Master tricks to solve questions efficiently within the exam time frame.
  6. Following the SSC CHSL Study Plan:
    • Stick to a fixed timetable for study sessions during the last week of preparation.
    • Allocate time to cover all syllabus topics systematically and ensure comprehensive preparation.
  7. Timely Distribution of Topics:
    • Plan study sessions according to the timetable to cover the entire syllabus before the exam.
    • Allocate sufficient time to each topic based on its importance and complexity.

SSC CHSL Study Plan – FAQs

Q1. How should I start my SSC CHSL preparation?

Start by understanding the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly. Then, create a study plan that covers all subjects and topics systematically.

Q2. How many hours should I study each day for SSC CHSL preparation?

It depends on your schedule and commitments. Aim for a balance between quality and quantity, typically 4-6 hours of focused study per day.

Q3. How can I manage time effectively during the exam?

Practice time-bound mock tests regularly to improve your speed and accuracy.

Q4. How can I revise effectively before the exam?

Allocate dedicated time for revision, focus on important topics and formulas, and solve previous year papers and mock tests.


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